PARIS21 Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century Strategic planning for a better integration of sectors within NSS High Level Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

PARIS21 Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century Strategic planning for a better integration of sectors within NSS High Level Meeting Mainstreaming sectoral statistical systems in the implementation of the NSDSs Doha, Qatar October 2009

Outline 1.Situation of NSDS process in the world 2.How far sectors have been integrated? 3.Why mainstreaming sectors is so difficult? 4.Existing approaches 5.How to ensure a better integration of sectors?

Countries currently implementing a strategy Countries currently designing a strategy or awaiting adoption Countries with strategy expired or without strategy and currently planning an NSDS Countries without a strategy and not planning one TOTAL No. % % % % AFRICA ASIA and PACIFIC LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN EUROPE TOTAL Low-income countries (IDA) 1. Situation of NSDS process in the world

Countries currently implementing a strategy Countries currently designing a strategy or awaiting adoption Countries with strategy expired or without strategy and currently planning an NSDS Countries without a strategy and not planning one TOTAL No. % % % % AFRICA ASIA and PACIFIC LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN EUROPE TOTAL Middle-income Countries

2. How far sectors have been mainstreamed? A recent investigation on agriculture (in collaboration with FAO) showed that no more than 10% of IDA countries have mainstreamed appropriately the agricultural sector in the strategy design In general sectors producing a lot of indicators for MDGs (health, education) have been better covered in the strategy Situation even worse when looking at effective implementation Evaluation not yet fully done however (NSDS process is recent)

3. Why mainstreaming sectors is difficult? Legal environment: statistical law and co-ordination structure missing First generation of NSDSs has been NSO-centric: easier to design In some sectors, the statistical function does not exist Lack of policies’ knowledge by statisticians Sectors are mainly dealing with administrative data Lack of human resources and inappropriate funding Influence of donors and international institutions on their sector without interest in coordination Sometimes absence of ownership of the process

3. Why mainstreaming sectors is difficult? Sectors cannot be considered independently. Examples: PRSP is covering many sectors HIV/AIDS encompasses a strong education component Food policies cover agriculture, transport, trade, health, etc.. Rural development is covering various sectors Sector A Sector B Sector C Sector D Policy X Policy Y

4. Existing approaches for mainstreaming sectors Two main approaches for covering the whole NSS Bottom-up (from sectors to general) Top-down (from general to sectors) …and an option directly linked with national development policies

Case 1: Uganda – Bottom-up Advocacy workshop at Government level Statistical committees for each sector Identification of main statistical products In line with national/ international policies Identification of users Reporting mechanism for each sector Sectoral strategies of 3 years Inter-agency committee on statistics Compilation and elaboration of NSDS NSDS AgricultureHealthEducationFinancesOthers

Case 2: Top-down Global NSDS With Sub-committees on sectors Overall NSDS Sub-strategies for sectors More detailed for sectors if necessary NSDS AgricultureHealthEducationFinancesOthers

Case 3: Peru, Bolivia Strategies based on: national development policies Poverty reduction Education, health Rural development international demand and agreements Sector A Sector B Sector C Sector D Policy X Policy Y NSDS

Remaining issues for the implementation of NSDSs 1. Political commitment, leadership, capacity to manage a truly participative process Roadmap is a crucial step, advocacy is a key element 2. Organisational and institutional arrangements Legislation, infrastructure, role of National Council 3. Coverage of sectors 4. Trained and motivated staff Capacity of absorption by the system 5. Costing and financing/funding 5. How to ensure a better integration of sectors? Linked issues

Importance of coordination mechanisms (National Councils) Line ministries to be involved in the process from the beginning Advocacy is a key element Using the existing best practices in sectors: for example GDDS Integration of sectors to be adapted according to status of NSDS (design, implementation) Donor’s responsibility in terms of alignment How to ensure a better integration of sectors?

Plans for a second generation of NSDSs: New guidelines 2011? Better integration of sectors will be a cornerstone Emphasis on coordination mechanisms Strategic foresight including scenarios Links with geographic information Application of Paris Declaration to statistics Specific focus on agriculture Sectoral guidelines beginning of 2010 (collaboration with FAO) Design of sectoral NSDSs on pilot countries in 2010 How to ensure a better integration of sectors? the potential role of PARIS21

Thank you!