Unit 2 The United Kingdom the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( Warming-up and Reading) ( Warming-up and Reading)


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Warming up Do this quiz and find out how much you know about UK? 1. How many countries does the UK consist of? A. two B. three D. four 2. How long does.
Unit2 The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom.
Unit 2 The United Kingdom
Unit 2 The United Kingdom
Unit 2 The United Kingdom
Unit 2 The United Kingdom Reading.
The first period Unit 2 The United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom 高二英语 杨军.
Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 The United Kingdom the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( Warming-up and Reading) ( Warming-up and Reading)

St.Stephen’s Tower of the Palace of Westminster is Commonly known as “Big Ben”, the name of the bell inside When you mention England, what or who will you think of? Brainstorming: Warming up

The QueenBuckingham Palace The Queen’s position is ceremonial: opening Parliament, welcoming Heads from other countries, going on tours to other countries to encourage trade with Britain.

The Prime Minister together with his most important ministers (called Cabinet) and his Members of Parliament make important political decision and the laws. The Prime Minister 10 Downing Street

Thames Severn Avon The River Thames and Severn are very similar in length but River Thames is slightly longer. The River Thames is 338 km and the River Severn is 290 km. The River Avon is much shorter.

A quiz 1 How many countries does the UK consist of ? A two B three C four C

A quiz 2.How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport? A. About six hours B. about ten hours C. about sixteen hours 3.Who rules the country: the Prime Minister or the Queen? A. The Queen B. The Prime Minister C. both B B London Heathrow Airport The Queen The Prime Minister

A quiz 4.What are the provinces called in England? A. counties B. departments C. states 5.Which is the longest river in England? A. The River Avon B. The River Thames C. The River Severn A B The Thames River Severn

1. Can you name the capital cities of the countries of the UK? What do you know about any other cities or towns in the UK? 2. England can be divided into three main areas. Do you know what they are? Pre-reading

3. Look at the title and pictures in the reading passage and predict what it is about. Then skim it to see if you were right?

1. What is the text mainly about? A brief introduction to the UK about its foundation and development based on geography, history and culture, etc. 2. How many countries make up the United Kingdom? What are they? Four. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Skimming

Reading about the UK Before going to the UK, what do you want to know about the UK. Skim the text, and tick out what are mentioned in the text. Geography history The biggest country – England invasions cultures food languages life styles sports London flag literature

Para. Main idea , 6 Introduces the topic to the reader. Explains what the term “great Brain” means and how it came about. Explains the differences in the four countries. Explains how England is divided into three zones. Explains the importance of London as a cultural and political centre in the UK.

Reading about the UK about the UK Divide the text into 3 parts, and write down the main idea of each part. Part 1:___________ Part 2:___________ Part 3:___________ What England includes; about Great Britain; the UN The geographical division of England into zones; their similarities and differences. The cultural importance of London.

Write a short summary of the passage The writer examines how the UK developed as an administrative unit. It shows how England is also divided into three zones. It explains why London became the cultural capital of England.

Scotland Wales Cardiff Belfast Republic of Ireland Dublin England London Northern Ireland Edinburgh England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland the UK = Part 1-Geography The United Kingdom consist of the four countries.

Part 1-History first only England the 13th century AD, England + Wales. 1603, England + Wales + Scotland Great Britain Later, Great Britain + Northern Ireland England the United Kingdom

left out The Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why? The country left out is Wales. It is usually assumed to be part of England. In what ways are the four countries different? They are different in international relations. They have different educational and legal systems as well as football teams.

What three countries does British Airways represent? 1. England 2. Scotland 3. Northern Ireland

North Midlands South Part 2-England Look at the map of England and Wales in the following page. Divide it into three parts. Draw lines across to show the zones of the South, Midlands and North of England. Now put each town or city into its correct zone.

the North the South of England the Midlands Leeds, York, Sheffield, Manchester Coventry, Birmingham Reading, London, Brighton, Plymouth

England is divided into 3 zones. Most population settled in ___________________. Most of the large industrial cities are in ___________________. Many cities have famous ___________________. the South of England the North and the Midlands football teams

1.The countries that make up Great Britain are__________________________ 2.If we speak of England we mean__________________ 3.the United Kingdom includes_________________________ 4.The part of Ireland that separated from England is called_________________________ 5.London is the capital city of _________________ England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Republic of Southern Ireland England, Wales and Scotland England and Wales England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Republic of Southern Ireland England/Great Britain/the UK Complete the sentences

Why did capital London become the cultural center of England? There are a lot of historical treasure in London. Why are there so many historical treasures in London? London has been influenced by some invaders. Part 3-London

In the England history, there are several invasions. They are: ___________, _____________, ____________, ___________. the Romans the Anglo-Saxonsthe Vikingsthe Normans What did they leave? Part 3-Invaders

Romans: Anglo-Saxons: the oldest port towns and roads the oldest building language and government

the Vikings: the Normans: Influence the vocabulary and place-names of the North Castles and words for food

Which group of the invaders did not influence London? The Vikings

Explanation 1. How many countries does the UK consist of? 大不列颠由多少个国家组 成? consist vi. 在于, 存在于 ; 组成, 构成 习惯搭配: 1) consist of 由 … 组成, 由 … 构成, 包括

( 注意 : 不能用于被动语态和进行时态 ) = be made up of This club consists of more than 200 members. Coal consists mostly of carbon. 2) consist in 基于, 在于, 存在 … 之中 The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.

2. England can be divided into three main areas. 英国可以分成三大部分。 divide 意为 “ 把一个整体分成若干个部 分 ” 常与 into, among, between 搭配 divide into 把 … 分成 divide sth. among sb. 在 … 分配 divide A from B 使分离 ; 使分开 divide… by… 用 … 除以

划分 ; 把整体分成若干部分, 破 坏了宾语的完整性。 分隔 ; 把原来连在一起或靠近 的分隔开来, 没有破坏宾语的 完整性, 只是将宾语分开。 divide separate 辨析 : divide, separate

The world is divided into five continents. Let’s divide the cake into three. He separated the big eggs from the small ones. The grinding machine ( 碾谷机 ) separates the grain from the husk( 糠 ).

1. The apple was _______ into two. 2. We _______the money equally. 3. Oxygen can be ________ from water. 4. The Taiwan Strait ________ Taiwan from Fujian. 试一试 divided separated separates

3. You can clarify this question if you study British history. 如果你学习了英国历史, 就能弄清楚 这个问题了。

clarify vt. 澄清, 讲清楚 ; 阐明 vi. 澄清, 清楚, 明了 ; 易懂事 Could you clarify the question ? 你能解释这个问题吗? His mind suddenly clarified. 他的头脑突然清醒了. 拓展 : clarification n.

4. However, the Southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. unwilling adj. 不愿意的;不乐意的

break v. (broke, broken) 习惯搭配 : break away 挣脱, 逃脱;脱离, 背叛 break down 抛锚, 出故障, 身体跨了 break into 闯入, 突然发出 break out ( 战争、瘟疫、火灾 ) 爆发 break off 中断 break the rules 违反规则 break the records 打破记录

5. To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions. 值得赞扬的是, 这四个国家的确在一些方 面共同合作,例如在货币和国际关系方 面;但是有些制度仍然区别很大。

1) credit 既是可数名词 ,又是不可数名 词, 其常见意思是 “ 赊购(制度);称赞; 学分。 ” 如: No credit is given to this restaurant. 本店概不赊账。 This shop gives three months’ interest- free credit. 这家商店允许三个月的无息赊欠购物。

There was little credit given to those who had worked the hardest. 那些工作最努力的人几乎没有受到什么 表扬。 He earned enough credits for his degree. 他为获得学位取得了足够的学分。

credit 也可以作动词,表示 “ 信;把 ……. 归功于 ” 。如: Do you credit what that politician said? 你相信那个政客说的话吗? to one’s credit 值得赞扬; 为某人增光。 如: It is greatly to his credit that Arthur gave back the money he found. 亚瑟拾金不昧是非常值得赞扬的。

注意 2) work together 是一个习惯用语, 不能按字面意思直译。 work 在此 处的被译为 “ 起反应, 起作用 ”

由动词 work 构成的词组: work well 做得好 work sth. in/into sth. 设法把... 加进 work at something 从事 work out 算出 work one’s will on /upon somebody 将某人的意志强加给别人

6. England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones. 在这四个国家中, 英格兰最大, 为了方便 起见, 它大致被分为了三个地区。 1) convenience n. 方便, 便利 I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. 为了图方便, 我把参考书放在书桌前。

<习惯搭配> at one’s convenience 在方便的时候 for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便起见 make a convenience of sb. ( 乘机 ) 利用某人

<拓展> convenient adj. 适合需要的, 方便的 a convenient place/ time It is an inconvenient time to come. I can’t see him now; it’s not convenient. Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?

2) divide into 分开 The students in the class were divided into four groups before they started the game. 班里的学生被分为四组,开始做游戏。 How can you divide this line into 20 equal parts? 你怎样把这线段分成 20 等份?

7. It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.. 可惜这些在十九世纪建立起来的工业 城市却对游客没有吸引力。 attract vt. 吸引;引起注意

What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour. 她首先吸引我的是她的幽默。 I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad. 我总是向往去国外工作。

attraction n. 1) 吸引,引力 ; 2) 吸引人的东西 ; 喜闻乐见的东西 ; 精彩节目 attractive adj. 有吸引力,诱人的 attraction of gravity 重力 He can’t resist the attraction of the sea on hot day. 酷热的夏天他经不住海的诱惑。

<短语> have influence with / on 对... 有影响 under the influence of 在 … 影响下 8. influence vt. & n. 影响,感化, 影响力

My teacher influenced my decision to study art. The weather influences crops. My teacher’s influence made me study science at college. He is a man of influence in the city.

9. If you look around the British countryside you will find evidence of all these invaders. 如果你的在英国四处走走的话, 就会 发现这些入侵者的痕迹。 invader n. 入侵者 ; 侵略者 invade vt. 侵入 ; 侵略 ; 拥入

Hitler invaded Poland in 希特勒 1939 年入侵波兰。 Doubts invade my mind. 满腹狐疑。 Disease invade the body. 疾病侵袭身体。 Holiday makers invade the seaside towns in summer. 在夏季, 度假者大批涌入海滨城市。

To Finish Exercise 1 & 2 on page 11. Find sentences with past particles in the text and get prepared for grammar study.