The Collaborative Delphi Helen Ivy Rowe
Purpose To better represent the views of the SRR we used the Delphi process to identify five key points that can be used in outreach efforts.
Outreach efforts 2003 SRR Report Release week in May, during which time we will meet with Congressional staffers, executive directors of NGOs, and higher level staff of Federal agencies. Poster sessions for some producer meetings, as well as ESA
Process Delphi 17 (22 responses) General brainstorm of up to five key messages Collated these as best as I could Delphi 18 (26 responses) vote on top 5 categories Comments Each respondents key messages were split into appropriate categories. No longer read as a set. Categorization led to double voting in Delphi 17 (sometimes multiple responses of single respondent fell into one category) Will need to work on phrasing for outreach
Response categoryNumber of responses Mark your top 5 choices with an x 1. Improve rangeland monitoring systems to measure sustainability for better management Ecological, economic, and social aspects of sustainability are included in these indicators Definition and importance of rangelands Targeting research needs Reasons to fund SRR to promote implementation of C&I What needs to be done in order to implement the C&I The SRR process Diffusing controversy over sustainability Describing the C&I Grazing policies and practices Other Scale sensitivity of indicators41
How key messages will be developed Outreach Working Group will use results to formulate 5 key messages for SRR. These statements can be incorporated into future outreach activities.