J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan. 2004 1 Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP.


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Presentation transcript:

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP UNEP GC/GMEF Consultative Process Decision GC22/1 I A invited Governments, IGOs, NGOs and scientific institutions for views on 3 questions and 8 considerations relating to assessment of environment and environmental change and the work of UNEP and other organizations in this area

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP UNEP GC/GMEF Consultative Process 627 Governments and Institutions contacted to provide views on GC questions and considerations, and on optional supplementary questions by UNEP 122 substantive responses received by 12 Nov. 03: 59 Governments, 21 IGOs, 17 NGOs, 25 scientific institutions In total, 153 responses received by 8 Jan 04: 75 Governments, 28 IGOs, 23 NGOs and 27 scientific institutions - additional responses at science.unep.org

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Geographical Distribution of Government Responses

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Geographical Distribution of 75 Governments participating in the Science Initiative (as of 8 January 2004 ) Africa Asia and the Pacific Europe Latin America & Caribbean North America West Asia

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Governments Self-Evaluation of Participation in Environmental Assessments

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Scientific Institutions Self-Evaluation of Participation in Environmental Assessments

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Governments Self-Evaluation of Knowledge of UNEPs Work in Environmental Assessments

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Scientific Institutions Self-Evaluation of Knowledge of UNEPs Work in Environmental Assessments

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP GC22/1 I A: Question 2 (a) What are the likely gaps and types of assessment needs with respect to the environment and environmental change?

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP GC22/1 I A 3. (a) to (h) 8 Considerations: (a)Scientific credibility, saliency, legitimacy and relevance in the assessment processes (b)Interaction between science and policy development (c)The role of existing institutions (d)Possible options including strengthening existing institutions and mechanisms and the establishment of an IPEC (e)Links and sectoral integration (f)Duplication, cooperation, complementarity and added value to the work of the assessment processes, international agonies and the multilateral environmental agreements (g)Cost-effectiveness and efficiency (h)Developing country participation and capacity-building

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Gaps and Needs Assessment of existing environmental challenges Assessment of interlinkages (scale, sectors, human- environment system, Millennium Development Goals) Scientific credibility, legitimacy and relevance in assessment processes Cost-effectiveness, cooperation and strengthening of existing institutions Developing country participation and capacity building

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP GC22/1 I A: Question 2 (b) How are the United Nations Environment Programme and other organizations currently meeting assessment needs?

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Meeting Assessment Needs (1) UNEP plays an important role in partnerships at global and regional levels and in catalyzing support for regional, sub-regional and national level assessments, but Increase in complexity of environmental problems requires further strengthening of UNEPs work in this area

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Meeting Assessment Needs (2) Difference of views on how UNEP and other organizations meet those needs Need for strengthening support to regional and subregional integrated assessments Better address linkages across all levels of assessment Need for financial resources for environmental assessment processes Harnessing S&T for sustainable development

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Suggestions for Meeting Assessment Needs (1) Creation of regional science councils and strengthening of links between regions Priority setting Development of an assessment and methodological framework (also to include civil society, business and industry etc in assessment processes)

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Suggestions (2) Rationalizing of resources in UNEP/DEWA to focus on assessment products and use the resources of other UNEP centers Revitalization of Earthwatch to improve UN system- wide integration on environmental issues Strengthening of the UN University as a think-tank for environmental assessments Strengthening and expansion of existing institutions, e.g., IPCC Institutional re-organization within the UN system

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Suggestions (3) Quality assurance of data used in assessment processes Intergovernmental panel(s) established by UNEP (panel(s) with independent scientists concerned with multiple level assessment needs) Strengthening of national institutions and links to regional assessment processes and to global change research and funding programmes (e.g. IGBP, IHDP, WCRP, DIVERSITAS, IAI and APN)

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP GC22/1 I A: Question 2 (c) What options exist with respect to meeting any unfulfilled needs that fall within the role and mandate of the United Nations Environment Programme?

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Proposed Options Strengthening local and regional capacities for integrated environmental assessment Setting priorities for global environmental change issues and rationalizing assessment activities Strengthening cooperation with scientific institutions, academia and within the interagency system Improving access to data and information Improving links to policy-making

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP An Intergovernmental Panel on Global Environmental Change (IPEC) Arguments for: mechanism for cross-cutting analyses of GEC, integration, coordination of assessments, interdisciplinary cooperation between sectors, MEAs and for ensuring effective communication between knowledge and action communities Arguments against: impossible to represent the myriad of disciplines, risks of duplication, cost- effectiveness

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP An Intergovernmental Panel on Global Environmental Change (IPEC) Agree on the needs and functions of such a panel An IPEC receives support and strengthening of existing institutions is a priority See results of Question 5, UNEP Questionnaire: Preference for: Strengthening UNEPs current assessment activities An improved UN system-wide Earthwatch mechanism A clearing-house mechanism for monitoring and assessment activities A global Assessment Compact or partnerhsip on monitoring and assessment of GEC

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Optional Supplementary Questions by UNEP Question 2 (UNEP Questionnaire) How well are the different thematic areas being covered by existing assessments?

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Thematic Areas of Assessments in Question Atmosphere2.15 Environment & technology 2.2 Biodiversity2.16 Environment & trade 2.3 Chemicals2.17 Forests 2.4 Climate2.18 Freshwater 2.5 Consumption & production2.19 Global environmental change 2.6 Coastal areas2.20 Land and soil 2.7 Deserts and arid lands2.21 Mountain areas 2.8 Environment related disasters2.22 Polar areas 2.9 Ecosystem services2.23 Oceans and marine 2.10 Energy2.24 Small island developing states 2.11 Environment & agriculture2.25 Sustainable development 2.12 Environment & conflict2.26 Transport 2.13 Environment & human health2.27 Urban areas 2.14 Environment & poverty2.28 Waste management

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Thematic Areas not well covered (1)

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Thematic Areas not well covered (2)

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Thematic Areas not well covered (3) All respondent groups found that four thematic areas were not well covered: Ecosystem services Environment and conflict Environment and poverty Environment and trade Three of four respondent groups found two additional areas not well covered: Consumption and production Sustainable development

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Optional Supplementary Questions by UNEP Question 5 (UNEP Questionnaire) Respondents views on options 5.1 to 5.11 suggested by UNEP to meet unfulfilled needs and gaps relating to environmental assessments

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Options for meeting unfulfilled needs and gaps (1) All respondent groups expressed a clear preference for: 5.1 Strengthening UNEPs current assessment activities 5.2 An improved UN system-wide Earthwatch mechanism 5.3 A clearing-house mechanism for monitoring and assessment activities 5.4 A Global Assessment Compact or Partnership on monitoring and assessment of GEC

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Options for meeting unfulfilled needs and gaps (2)

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Government Responses to Question 5

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Scientific Institutions Responses to Question 5

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Optional Supplementary Questions by UNEP Question 6 (UNEP Questionnaire) Optional Statements: Clarification of issues related to the implementation of decision 22/1 I A (Statements 6.1 – 6.6)

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP 6.1 The current international institutional arrangements for assessing environment and env. change are effectively responding to the information needs of policy and decison makers

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Conclusions (1) The thematic area Atmosphere and Climate are very well covered by assessment processes Areas considered to be not well covered are: Consumption and production Ecosystems services Environment and conflict Environment and poverty Environment and trade Sustainable development

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Conclusions (2) The following options are supported: Strengthening UNEPs current assessment activities An improved UN system-wide Earthwatch mechanism A clearing-house for monitoring and assessment activities A Global Assessment Compact or Partnership on monitoring and assessment of global environ- mental change

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Conclusions (3) A pilot phase for an Intergovernmental Panel on Monitoring and Assessment of Global Environmental Change (IPEC) received mixed support Assessment of environment and environmental change should include: research priorities future assessment priorities policy relevant conclusions policy options policy recommendations information to support policy implementation

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Conclusions (4) The options provided in the Questionnaire for enhancing scientific credibility, relevance and legitimacy were supported, except for An intergovernmental process where the findings are subject to Adoption or Approval, which received considerably less support There is a strongly perceived need for capacity building to ensure participation of developing country experts in the assessments

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Conclusions (5) Capacity building requires, in particular, training, financial resources, and tools and methodologies. Strengthening the monitoring and assessment of environment and environmental change requires improved collaboration linkages between global, regional, national and local assessments support for developing countries

J. Jäger/E.Dyck/Jan Science Initiative on Strengthening the Scientific Base of UNEP Conclusions (6) There is an urgent need for support and funding to allow UNEP to achieve the goals and targets set by the GC/GMEF.