Урок по теме “Flat” Урок по теме “Flat” 4 класс Учитель Белякова И.А. МОКУ «Олекминская СОШ» 2013 г. Учитель Белякова И.А. МОКУ «Олекминская СОШ» 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Урок по теме “Flat” Урок по теме “Flat” 4 класс Учитель Белякова И.А. МОКУ «Олекминская СОШ» 2013 г. Учитель Белякова И.А. МОКУ «Олекминская СОШ» 2013 г.

Read the theme of our lesson 3131 FLAT

Find a rhyming twin behind front flat fire furniture sink cooker right middle findfurniture comebehind catmiddle quietfront pictureright thinkflat snookerfire bitecooker riddlesink

Where is such furniture? a big table comfortable chairs a mirror a bath a sink

Where can you see such furniture? a TV-set armchairs a sofa a table pictures a carpet a bed a wardrobe a computer a lamp beautiful curtains

Guess the prepositions and say which are missing o pposite in the middle of

Let’s play! Where are you? Let’s play! Where are you?

Welcome to Brighton!

Answer the questions  Where did the boy go last summer?  Where did he and his father stay in Brighton?  What was there behind the hotel?  Where was the sea?  Did the boy like Brighton?  Where did the boy go last summer?  Where did he and his father stay in Brighton?  What was there behind the hotel?  Where was the sea?  Did the boy like Brighton?

Can you find the differences?

Who can make the sentence richer? This is a … flat. The flat has three rooms, There is a TV set …. There is a … carpet…. There are … armchairs …. There is a sofa…. There are … curtains …. …a new beautiful large… …wonderful…/… on the floor in the middle of… …opposite the bookcase. …a kitchen, a bathroom, and a small hall. …beautiful…/… on the windows. … in the corner of the room. …comfortable…/…in front of the TV set.

Let’s check! This is a new beautiful large flat. The flat has three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a small hall. There is a TV set in the corner of the room. There is a wonderful carpet on the floor in the middle of the living room. There are comfortable armchairs in front of the TV set. There is a sofa opposite the bookcase. There are beautiful curtains on the windows.

Which room have your classmates described? 1 2 3

Homework ex 16, p 141 ex 10, p 139 Describe your flat. ex 16, p 141 ex 10, p 139 Describe your flat.