 Particles are constantly moving and twisting and when they are close together they attract each other.  Solids are stuck together and therefore very.


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Presentation transcript:

 Particles are constantly moving and twisting and when they are close together they attract each other.  Solids are stuck together and therefore very hard to take apart.  Solids are tiny particles that are stuck together permanently and there fore keep their shape.

 Cold molecules spread out making liquid.  The particles are slightly further away than a solid.  The particles can move around and mix with other particles to fit the shape of the container.

 Heat makes molecules spread out, turning it into a gas.  The particles are much further apart, in which they move around much more and that is what forms gases.  Gas can be formed by humans, or by nature.  Gases have no size, shape or colour.

 The difference between reversible and irreversible changes is that reversible changes can be undone, say I freeze ice, I can melt it back into water. An irreversible change, however, is the exact opposite. An irreversible change cannot be undone. Say I cook an egg or bake a cake, I can’t undo that.

 Let’s take a cake. You start off with flour, eggs, chocolate, sugar and milk. Once you bake it, you can’t turn it back into all the ingredients. If you tried, you would end up wasting a yummy chocolate cake.  Another thing is an egg. Once you fry it, you can’t change it back. When it’s fried or scrambled, it stays that way.

 You can change a block of ice back into it’s original manner. I can freeze ice and then change it back into water again.  I could change a block of chocolate. If I melted chocolate it would become a thick liquid. I can put it in the freezer for a long time, and it would change into chocolate.  My last example is frozen yoghurt. You have to change yoghurt into frozen yoghurt, and you can melt it to change it back.

 A solution is not water on its own. A solution is a liquid substance that has something that’s dissolved in it. Example: I have a glass of water and a tablet. When the tablet dissolves into the water, that’s a solution.

 Say if you have sand and gravel that are mixed, you can separate them by sieving.  A mix of water and an insoluble substance like sand can be separated by filtering.  When salt dissolves into water and causes a solution, you can boil it and the water will evaporate, leaving the salt behind.

 We blew up a balloon using only bicarbonate soda and vinegar. To do this we poured vinegar into a tube and the bicarbonate soda into the balloon using a funnel. We then poured the vinegar into to the balloon and we had to measure how big it blew up. The highest my group go was 10 cm. It was so much fun!!

 Always ask a teacher if you unsure of anything.  Always have someone who knows what they are doing in the lab.  When an adult yells stop, stop what you’re doing.  If there is a fire, evacuate immediately.  Always have fun and be safe, and listen to the teacher or adult.  You can’t wear open toed shoes.  You have to wear the safety equipment.

 I got my information from the myclasses science page.