3/11/14. Hmm….lets try by asking some people…? How to take on the world….?


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Presentation transcript:


Hmm….lets try by asking some people…? How to take on the world….?

3/11/14 1.VC number? 2.Give VC number? 3.Give your VC Number? 4.Please give your VC Number? 5.For your assistance, Please give your VC Number? 6.May I please have your VC Number? 7.Your VC number, Please? 8.For your help, provide your VC number? 9.If you don't have VC number then call later. 10. You don't know what is VC number? Rank these sentence/questions on politeness scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is the impolite and 5 is very polite Now total your markings and get a score. Read, and Score…

3/11/14 Why were our markings so different? So did you see….. 1.By adding more words we may not become polite. 2.There is a polite method of giving strong messages. 3.Tone in the end of the sentence, make a world of difference. 4.We all understand tone differently. 5.It’s not what is said but what is heard Politeness is an attitude and not a skill….

3/11/14 What are the advantages of being impolite? I can show…..who is the boss..!!!! How dare he speak to me like that…. Slip of tongue... I was in hurry.... What do you think? Any advantage? What is the advantage to the customer? What is your advantage?... What are the advantages of being polite? Quick Comparison – And sensitize....

Politeness and courtesy of the call center executive ( You are judged in the first 3 seconds…….First impression, Smile & Make it count ). Extend Courtesy…on these scenarios When we don’t welcome them with our tone & greeting (Your greeting has no meaning unless you mean it, like how you greet your own) When we don’t listen to them and interrupt the caller (Do you like being heard, If yes, so does the customer) When we don’t use PLEASE (while confirming or probing details) (we may sound demanding and impatient) When we don’t thank the customer for sharing required details (You don’t appreciate the customer for his business & his effort)

Exercise - add Courtesy…on these sentences 1.Give me an opportunity to speak then I will able to tell you. 2.I can provide information one by one 3.I will add the channel. 4.I have stopped the channel from here. 5.Recharge first then it will be active. 6.Speak politely. 7.First tell me this. 8.Are your dealer. 9.Are you infront of TV. 10.Go infront of TV. 11.Can you see red-green boxes? 12.I cant provide information without holding the line. 13.Let me check first then I can tell you. 14.Tell me the error first then I can help. UsE pEn & PaPeR…!!!

Use the correct tone for sentences and questions May I put your call on Hold? Please confirm your mobile number? How may I help you? Your current pack is Non Stop pack… Now all open-ended questions & sentences go down in volume in the end…try doing them otherwise and see how impolite you will sound

Immediate Improvement – DROP the SMILE BOMB Practice - A Three second opening!!!! Good Morning! My name is Amit How May I help you….? Where is the opportunity to smile? How many times can you smile? Show all teeth I can count three, can you……..lets practice!!!

1.VC number? 2.Give VC number? 3.Give your VC Number? 4.Please give your VC Number? 5.For your assistance, Please give your VC Number? 6.May I please have your VC Number? 7.Your VC number, Please? 8.For your help, provide your VC number? 9.If you don't have VC number then call later. 10. You don't know what is VC number? Rank these sentence/questions on politeness scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is the impolite and 5 is very polite Now total your markings and get a score…..ha ha ha!!!!! Read, Say and Score…One more time

Thank You