Field Survey Introduction. What is a survey? Survey = process of identifying and gathering data on a community's historic resources. Field survey= the.


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Presentation transcript:

Field Survey Introduction

What is a survey? Survey = process of identifying and gathering data on a community's historic resources. Field survey= the physical search for and recording of historic resources on the ground Survey also includes: a. Planning and background research before field survey begins, organization b. Presentation of survey data as the survey proceeds c. The development of inventories.

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Do words matter? Survey data refers to the raw data produced by the survey; that is, all the information gathered on each property and area investigated. An inventory is one of the basic products of a survey. An inventory is an organized compilation of information on those properties that are evaluated as significant. Evaluation is the process of determining whether identified properties meet defined criteria of historical, architectural, archeological, or cultural significance. In other words, evaluation involves winnowing the survey data to produce an inventory. Survey can be conducted at a variety of scales, producing different kinds of survey data applicable to different needs. These will be discussed in detail later in this publication. What is a historic resource? The National Historic Preservation Act defines historic resource as:any prehistoric or historic district, site, building, structure, or object included in, or eligible for inclusion in the National Register (of Historic Places); such term includes artifacts, records, and remains which are related to such a district, site, building, structure, or object.

Why undertake a historic resource survey? To identify a community’s historic resources To Identify special character and cultural depth To define the historic character of a community or a particular area As a basis for integrating survey information with other planning data

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Sequence of Preservation actions 1.Setting standards or criteria that define what is worth preserving. 2.Undertaking a survey to locate and describe resources potentially to be saved. 3.Evaluating the resources discovered in the survey against the standards established in step one. 4.Giving those properties that qualify “official status” in some way. This is Listing on the National Register 5.Following up with protective measures.

CONTEXTS Decisions about the identification, evaluation, registration and treatment of historic properties are most reliably made when the relationship of individual properties to other similar properties is understood. Information about historic properties representing aspects of history, architecture, archeology, engineering and culture must be collected and organized to define these relationships. This organizational framework is called a "historic context." The historic context organizes information based on a cultural theme and its geographical and chronological limits. Contexts describe the significant broad patterns of development in an area that may be represented by historic properties. The development of historic contexts is the foundation for decisions about identification, evaluation, registration and treatment of historic properties.

Standards for Identification Standard I Identification of historic properties is undertaken to the degree required to make decisions. Standard II. Results of identification activities are integrated into the preservation planning process. Standard III. Identification activities include explicit procedures for record-keeping and information distribution.

Oh, by the way, Professional QualificationsProfessional Qualifications The minimum professional qualifications in history are a graduate degree in history or closely related field; or a bachelor's degree in history or closely related field plus one of the following: At least two years of full-time experience in research, writing, teaching, interpretation, or other demonstrable professional activity with an academic institution, historic organization or agency, museum, or other professional institution; or Substantial contribution through research and publication to the body of scholarly knowledge in the field of history.

OAHP1403 Rev. 9/98 C OLORADO C ULTURAL R ESOURCE S URVEY Architectural Inventory Form I. I DENTIFICATION 1. Resource number: 2. Temporary resource number: 3. County: 4. City: 5. Historic building name: 6. Current building name: 7. Building address: 8. Owner name and address: II. G EOGRAPHIC I NFORMATION 9. P.M. Township Range ¼ of ¼ of ¼ of ¼ of section 10. UTM reference Zone ; mE mN 11. USGS quad name: Year: Map scale: 7.5' 15' Attach photo copy of appropriate map section. 12. Lot(s): Block: Addition: Year of Addition: 13. Boundary Description and Justification:

III. Architectural Description 14. Building plan (footprint, shape): 15. Dimensions in feet: Length x Width 16. Number of stories: 17. Primary external wall material(s): 18. Roof configuration: 19.Primary external roof material: 20.Special features: 21. General architectural description: Architectural style/building type: Landscaping or special setting features: Associated buildings, features, or objects: IV. A RCHITECTURAL H ISTORY 25. Date of Construction: Estimate: Actual: Source of information: 26. Architect: Source of information: 27. Builder/Contractor: Source of information: 28. Original owner: Source of information: Construction history (include description and dates of major additions, alterations, or demolitions): 30. Original location Moved Date of move(s): V. H ISTORICAL A SSOCIATIONS 31. Original use(s): 32. Intermediate use(s): 33. Current use(s): 34. Site type(s): 35. Historical background: 36. Sources of information:

VI. S IGNIFICANCE 37. Local landmark designation: Yes No Date of designation: Designating authority: 38. Applicable National Register Criteria: A. Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad pattern of our history; B. Associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; C. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represents the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or D. Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in history or prehistory. Qualifies under Criteria Considerations A through G (see Manual) Does not meet any of the above National Register criteria Area(s) of significance: 40. Period of significance: 41. Level of significance: National State Local 42. Statement of significance: 43. Assessment of historic physical integrity related to significance:

VII. N ATIONAL R EGISTER E LIGIBILITY A SSESSMENT 44.National Register eligibility field assessment: Eligible Not Eligible Need Data 45.Is there National Register district potential? Yes No Discuss: If there is National Register district potential, is this building: Contributing Noncontributing 46.If the building is in existing National Register district, is it: Contributing Noncontributing VIII. R ECORDING I NFORMATION Photograph numbers: Negatives filed at: 48.Report title: 49.Date(s): 50. Recorder(s): 51.Organization: 52.Address: 53.Phone number(s): NOTE:Please include a sketch map, a photocopy of the USGS quad map indicating resource location, and photographs.

Standards of Evaluation Standard I. Evaluation of the significance of historic properties uses established criteria. Standard II. Evaluation of significance applies the criteria within historic contexts. Standard III. Evaluation results in a list or inventory of significant properties that is consulted in assigning registration and treatment priorities. Standard IV. Evaluation results are made available to the public.

Developing a Research Design I Establish Objectives – Why undertake survey? Establish goals – What is the survey trying to accomplish? Establish Survey Priorities Establish Survey Coverage

Developing a Research Design II Defining the methods of survey Methodology for fieldwork – Level of documentation (reconnaissance, intensive) – Type of survey (comprehensive or selective)

Background research: What types of documents to consult?

Developing a Research Design III Establish a procedure for processing the survey data and photographs Establish a procedure for public participation Establish a schedule for tasks.

Results Expectations—based upon background research and analogy to other areas – Kind – Number – Location – Character – Condition

Survey Data and Development Identify development assets such as historic buildings suitable for rehabilitation and adaptive use Identify community goals and social interests and concerns, especially with reference to the goals of neighborhood groups, social groups, businesses, Provide a basis for measuring aspects of the social impact of a proposed development, by identifying the kinds of changes that will be welcome and those that will be distasteful to those who value the character of the areas that may be affected. Aid assessment of a project's catalytic potential, by identifying properties and areas with the potential for rehabilitation and reuse in the vicinity of a proposed development project.

Survey? Make it Comprehensive ! – An initial formulation of historic contexts that may have characterized the community's history; – Whether the community is likely to have significant prehistoric or historic archeological resources, and in what areas these may be concentrated; – The general types of buildings and structures that make up the community's built environment, and what their major important characteristics are; – The general locations and boundaries of likely historic districts; – The general nature and characteristics of any cultural landscapes; and – The social and cultural characteristics of the community and its neighborhoods that may influence preservation decisions.