PHY 231 1 PHYSICS 231 Lecture 30: review Remco Zegers Walk-in hour: Monday 9:15-10:15 am Helproom.


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Presentation transcript:

PHY PHYSICS 231 Lecture 30: review Remco Zegers Walk-in hour: Monday 9:15-10:15 am Helproom

PHY chapter 9 Solids: Young’s modulus Shear modulus Bulk modulus Also fluids P=F/A (N/m 2 =Pa) F pressure-difference =  PA  =M/V (kg/m 3 ) General: Pascal’s principle: a change in pressure applied to a fluid that is enclosed is transmitted to the whole fluid and all the walls of the container that hold the fluid.

PHY P=P 0 +  fluid gh h: distance between liquid surface and the point where you measure P P0P0 P h B =  fluid V object g = M fluid g = w fluid The buoyant force equals the weight of the amount of water that can be put in the volume taken by the object. If object is not moving: B=w object  object =  fluid Pressure at depth h Buoyant force for submerged object Buoyant force for floating object h B w The buoyant force equals the weight of the amount of water that can be put in the part of the volume of the object that is under water.  object V object =  water V displaced h=  object V object /(  water A)

PHY Bernoulli’s equation P 1 +½  v  gy 1 = P 2 +½  v  gy 2 P+½  v 2 +  gy=constant The sum of the pressure (P), the kinetic energy per unit volume (½  v 2 ) and the potential energy per unit volume (  gy) is constant at all points along a path of flow. Note that for an incompressible fluid: A 1 v 1 =A 2 v 2 This is called the equation of continuity.

PHY Poiseuille’s Law How fast does a fluid flow through a tube? Rate of flow Q=  v/  t=  R 4 (P 1 -P 2 ) 8L8L (unit: m 3 /s)

PHY Bulk modulus A rubber ball, with bulk modulus B, volume V at 1 atm. increases its volume by 1 cm 3 when put in a vacuum chamber (P=0). If a ball of the same material but 5 times larger in volume at 1 atm, is put under a pressure of 3 atm, how much will its volume shrink? B=-  P/(  V/V)

PHY Young’s modulus Consider 2 steel rods, A and B. B has 3 times the area and 2 times the length of A, so Young’s modulus for B will be what factor times Young’s modulus for A? a)3.0 b)0.5 c)1.5 d)1.0

PHY Buoyant forces When submerged in water an object weighs 1.6N. At the same time, the water level in the water container (with A=0.01 m 2 ) rises 0.01 m. What is the specific gravity (sg) of the object? (  water =1.0x10 3 kg/m 3 ) A=0.01 m 2

PHY Keep it coming. A plastic bag contains a glucose solution. The part of the bag that is not filled is under vacuum. If the pressure in a blood vein is 1.33x10 4 Pa, how high must one hang the bag to make sure the solution (specific gravity 1.02) enters the body? (  w =1.0x10 3 kg/m 3 )

PHY Titanic: After the Titanic sunk, 10 people manage to seek refuge on a 2x4m wooden raft. It is still 1.0 cm above water. A heavy debate follows when another person (60 kg) wants to board as well. Fortunately, a PHY231 student is among the 10. Can she convince the others that it is safe to pull the person on board without the whole raft sinking? (  w =1.0x10 3 kg/m 3 )

PHY Bernoulli A=5cm 2 A=2cm 2, P=1 atm 2m Water flows over a height of 2m through an oddly shaped pipe. A) If the fluid velocity is 1 m/s at the bottom, what is it at the top? B) What is the water pressure at the top?  =1.0x10 3 kg/m 3

PHY Temperature scales Conversions T celsius =T kelvin T fahrenheit =9/5*T celcius +32 We will use T kelvin. If T kelvin =0, the atoms/molecules have no kinetic energy and every substance is a solid; it is called the Absolute zero-point. Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit Chapter 10

PHY Thermal expansion  L=  L o  T L0L0 LL T=T 0 T=T 0 +  T  A=  A o  T  =2   V=  V o  T  =3  length surface volume Some examples:  =24E-06 1/K Aluminum  =1.2E-04 1/K Alcohol  : coefficient of linear expansion different for each material lead bell

PHY Boyle & Charles & Gay-Lussac IDEAL GAS LAW PV/T = nR n: number of particles in the gas (mol) R: universal gas constant 8.31 J/mol·K If no molecules are extracted from or added to a system:

PHY Microscopic Macroscopic Temperature ~ average molecular kinetic energy Average molecular kinetic energy Total kinetic energy rms speed of a molecule M=Molar mass (kg/mol)

PHY Ch. 10 Metal hoop A metal (thermal expansion coefficient  =17x / 0 C) hoop of radius 0.10 m is heated from 20 0 C to C. By how much does its radius change? 0.1m

PHY : Moles Two moles of Nitrogen gas (N 2 ) are enclosed in a cylinder with a moveable piston. A) If the temperature is 298 K and the pressure is 1.01x10 6 Pa, what is the volume (R=8.31 J/molK)? b) What is the average kinetic energy of the molecules? k B =1.38x J/K

PHY Gas law One way to heat a gas is to compress it. A gas at 1.00 atm at 25 0 C is compressed to one tenth of its original volume and it reaches 40.0 atm pressure. What is its new temperature?

PHY Calorimetry If we connect two objects with different temperature energy will transferred from the hotter to the cooler one until their temperatures are the same. If the system is isolated: Q cold =-Q hot m cold c cold (T final -T cold )=-m hot c hot (T final -T hot ) the final temperature is: T final = m cold c cold T cold +m hot c hot T hot m cold c cold +m hot c hot

PHY Phase Change GAS(high T) liquid (medium T) Solid (low T) Q=c gas m  T Q=c liquid m  T Q=c solid m  T Gas  liquid liquid  solid Q=mL f Q=mL v make sure you can calculate cases like water and gold shown in earlier lectures

PHY Heat transfer via conduction Conduction occurs if there is a temperature difference between two parts of a conducting medium Rate of energy transfer P P=Q/  t (unit Watt) P=kA(T h -T c )/  x=kA  T/  x k: thermal conductivity Unit:J/(ms o C) metal k~300 J/(ms o C) gases k~0.1 J/(ms o C) nonmetals~1 J/(ms o C) more than 1 layer:

PHY Radiation Nearly all objects emit energy through radiation: P=  AeT 4 : Stefan’s law (J/s)  =5.6696x10 -8 W/m 2 K 4 A: surface area e: object dependent constant emissivity (0-1) T: temperature (K) P: energy radiated per second. If an object would only emit radiation it would eventually have 0 K temperature. In reality, an object emits AND receives radiation. P=  Ae(T 4 -T 0 4 ) where T: temperature of object T 0 : temperature of surroundings.

PHY : Heat transfer 3 A hot block and a cold block are thermally connected. Three different methods to transfer heat are proposed as shown. Which one is the most efficient way (fastest) to transfer heat from hot to cold and what are the relative rates of transfer? Area: A Length L 0.1A 0.2L 4A 5L A: cross section surface of black wire,L:its length 1 2

PHY Thermal equilibrium 20g of a solid at 70 0 C is placed in 100g of a fluid at 20 o C. After waiting a while the temperature of the whole system is 30 o C and stays that way. The specific heat of the solid is: a)Equal to that of the fluid b)Less than that of the fluid c)Larger than that of the fluid d)Unknown; different phases cannot be compared e)Unknown; different materials cannot be compared

PHY radiation An object at 27 0 C has its temperature increased to 37 0 C. The power than radiated by this object increases by how many percent?

PHY First Law of thermodynamics  U=U f -U i =Q+W  U=change in internal energy Q=energy transfer through heat (+ if heat is transferred to the system) W=energy transfer through work (+ if work is done on the system) if P: constant then W=-P  V (area under P-V diagram This law is a general rule for conservation of energy

PHY Types of processes A: Isovolumetric  V=0 B: Adiabatic Q=0 C: Isothermal  T=0 D: Isobaric  P=0 PV/T=constant

PHY work on a gas. A gas, kept at constant pressure all of the time, is heated from 300 to 400 K. If the original volume was 1 m 3 P=1 atm, how much work has been done on the gas?