Healthy Living. Welcome to our School Council Worship All About….


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Presentation transcript:

Healthy Living

Welcome to our School Council Worship All About….

What does healthy living mean?

There are many ways to stay healthy. Some of these ways are: Staying Healthy Why do you think being healthy is so important? Exercising regularlyHaving a happy attitude Eating healthily

Doing regular exercise will help us all feel great and keep our bodies strong! Our hearts need to be kept active and pumping. Exercise also burns fat. Exercising Is Fun!

Ways to Stay Active: Can you think of any more? Playing gamesWalkingDancing

Healthy Foods We should aim to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Fruit and vegetables Fish and meat Eggs, milk and cheese We should aim to eat these different types of food to keep us healthy:

Unhealthy Foods – Just for a treat! It is perfectly fine to eat a little bit of unhealthy food but eating too much unhealthy food could make us overweight and not feel great. Cakes and sweets ChocolateChips and crisps

Did you know that eating well and exercising stops us from being ill? We are going to watch a video clip which explains more about how to stay healthy to help our bodies in the future. resource/the-long-term-effects-of- unhealthy-food-choices

So lots of healthy foods and exercise is the key to staying fit and well when you are older. What do you think is most important in a healthy snack?

Healthy snacks are: Low in sugar -Low in salt -Low in fat -Packed with vitamins and minerals to keep us fit and well.

What healthy snacks do we have at play time and why do we need to eat them?

Our School Council want to spread the message that healthy snacks at playtime will help us stay fit and well, when we grow up and help us to fight off germs and illness. They will also give us long lasting energy in class. If we had sugary and fatty snacks, we would soon feel hungry again and not be able to learn or concentrate as well.

School Council ‘Fruit Kebabs’ for sale: Tomorrow the School Council will be making and selling fruit kebabs to remind everyone in school how important it is to have a healthy snack at playtime.

We have designed some different ones using all these different fruits…. School Council ‘Fruit Kebabs’ for sale 50p each.

Please support our healthy snack sale and bring in 50p to buy a fruit kebab at playtime tomorrow in the hall or up at the pavilion.

We all need to be thankful for the healthy bodies, which we have been given. Let us thank God for all the lovely fresh fruits and vegetables he has given us by singing… Thank YOU Lord.

Thank you lord for healthy snacks, Right where we are! Verse 2: Yummy vegetables Verse 3: Juicy fruits Verse 4: Our healthy bodies Verse 5: healthy snacks

How can we remember to keep eating healthy snacks in school? The School Council would like to remind everyone in school to eat healthy snacks at play times by giving you the chance to win a poster competition. The winning posters will be displayed around school to help everyone eat healthy snacks at playtime.

How to enter our competition … Your teacher will give you a competition sheet, during Health Week. - Think carefully about your healthy snack poster and write your final idea on your sheet. (You might want to label it too with all the reasons why healthy snacks help our bodies.) Write your name and class on your sheet. Hand your entry to your School Council rep. or your teacher.

We look forward to seeing your ideas and we will announce the winners after Health Week. There will be prizes for the best entries judged by us! Please put your hands together to talk to God about how thankful we are. We have written these prayers together….

Dear God, Thank you for fruit and vegetables. Help us do lots of exercise. Thank you that we have bodies to do the exercise. Please help us to not eat too much of the unhealthy food like sweets and crisps so that we can look after the bodies you have given us. Amen

Dear God, Thank you for our lovely cooks because they make good food for us, and the doctors that make us feel better, and the teachers that help us to make the right choices. Amen

We look forward to seeing your ideas and we will announce the winners after Health Week. There will be prizes for the best entries judged by us! Thank you for listening to us today. We hope that the School Council is helping everyone in our school to stay fit and healthy. We know everyone in our school is very special and we need to thank God for our healthy bodies and for the strength to make the right choices to keep us fit and well in the future..