Chapter 4: Marketing on the Web 网上营销 Electronic Commerce.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 4: Marketing on the Web 网上营销 Electronic Commerce

2 Objectives In this chapter, you will learn about: Marketing strategies 营销策略 Communicating with different market segments 市场细分 Customer relationship intensity and the customer relationship life cycle 客户关系程度 与生命周期 Using advertising on the Web 网上广告

Electronic Commerce3 Objectives (continued) marketing 电子邮件营销 Technology-enabled customer relationship management 客户关系管理 Creating and maintaining brands on the Web 在网上 创建与维护品牌 Search engine positioning and domain name selection 搜索引擎排名与域名选择

Electronic Commerce4 What is Marketing Case Study : How to sell the combs to Monks? Questions: 成功的营销策略包含哪些因素?

Electronic Commerce5 What is Marketing The American Marketing Association (AMA) states, “Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives". 美国营销协会将其定义为:营销是一个计划和执 行对于知识、产品以及服务的设计、定价、推广 和分销的全过程,目的是通过交换来满足个人和 组织的需求。

Electronic Commerce6 What is Marketing It includes diverse disciplines like sales, public relations, pricing, packaging, and distribution. "If a young man tells his date she's intelligent, looks lovely, and is a great conversationalist, he's saying the right things to the right person and that's marketing. If the young man tells his date how handsome, smart and successful he is -- that's advertising. If someone else tells the young woman how handsome, smart and successful her date is -- that's public relations."

Electronic Commerce7 Marketing Strategies Four Ps of marketing 营销 4P –Product 产品 Physical item or service that the company is selling –Price 价格 Amount a customer pays for the product –Promotion 促销推广 Any means of spreading the word about the product –Place 渠道 Need to have products or services available in different locations

Electronic Commerce8 Market Segmentation 市场细分 Market segmentation is dividing the pool of potential customers into segments and targeting specific portions of the market with advertising messages 将潜在客户划分为较小规模的市场,并将特定 的广告信息送达到这类小市场。

Electronic Commerce9 Market Segmentation (continued) Geographic segmentation 地理细分 –Creating different combinations of marketing efforts for each geographical group of customers Demographic segmentation 人口细分 –Uses age, gender, family size, income, education, religion, or ethnicity to group customers Psychographic segmentation 心理细分 –Groups customers by variables such as social class, personality, or their approach to life

Electronic Commerce10

Electronic Commerce11 Communicating with Different Market Segments 与不同细分市场的沟通 Identify groups of potential customers 识别客 户群 –The first step in selling to those customers Media selection 媒体选择 –Can be critical for an online firm

Electronic Commerce12

Electronic Commerce13 Trust and Media Choice 信任与媒体选择 The Web is an intermediate step between mass media and personal contact Cost of mass media advertising can be spread over its audience Companies can use the Web to capture some of the benefits of personal contact, yet avoid some of the costs inherent in that approach

Electronic Commerce14 Market Segmentation on the Web 网上市场细分 Behavioral segmentation 行为细分 –Creation of separate experiences for customers based on their behavior Occasion segmentation 场合细分 –When behavioral segmentation is based on things that happen at a specific time Usage-based market segmentation 用法细分 –Customizing visitor experiences to match the site usage behavior patterns of each visitor

Electronic Commerce15 Behavior-based categories include: –Simplifiers Like convenience –Surfers Use the Web to find information and explore new ideas –Bargainers Are in search of a good deal –Connectors Use the Web to stay in touch with other people –Routiners Return to the same sites over and over again Market Segmentation on the Web 网上市场细分

Electronic Commerce16 Customer Relationship Intensity and Life-Cycle Segmentation 客户关系程度与生命周期划分 One goal of marketing is to create strong relationships between a company and its customers 营销的目标之一是在公司与客户 之间建立密切的联系 Good customer experiences can help create an intense feeling of loyalty 好的客户体验能 帮助建立较强的忠诚感

Electronic Commerce17

Electronic Commerce18 Acquisition, Conversion, and Retention of Customers 客户的争取、转变与维系 Acquisition cost 获取成本 –Money a site spends to draw one visitor to the site Conversion 转变 –Converting a first-time visitor into a customer Conversion cost 转变成本 –Cost of inducing one visitor to make a purchase, sign up for a subscription, or register Retained customers 保留住的客户 –Customers who return to the site one or more times after making their first purchases

Electronic Commerce19 Customer Acquisition, Conversion, and Retention: The Funnel Model 客户的争取、转变与维系的漏斗模型

Electronic Commerce20 Advertising on the Web 网上广告 Banner ad 横幅广告 –Small rectangular object on a Web page Pop-up ad 弹出式广告 –Appears in its own window when the user opens or closes a Web page Interstitial ad 插页式广告 –When a user clicks a link to load a page, the interstitial ad opens in its own browser window Ad-blocking software 广告屏蔽软件 –Prevents banner ads and pop-up ads from loading Cost per thousand (CPM) 每千人成本法 –Pricing metric used when a company purchases mass media advertising

Electronic Commerce21

Electronic Commerce22 Site Sponsorships 网站赞助商 Give advertisers a chance to promote products, services, or brands in a more subtle way Helps build brand images and develop reputation rather than generate immediate sales

Electronic Commerce23 Marketing 电子邮件营销 Sending one message to a customer can cost less than one cent if the company already has the customer’s address Conversion rate 转换率 –The percentage of recipients who respond to an ad or promotion Opt-in 许可电子邮件 –Practice of sending messages to people who request information on a particular topic

Electronic Commerce24 Technology-Enabled Customer Relationship Management 技术使能的 CRM Clickstream 点击流 –Information that a Web site can gather about its visitors Technology-enabled relationship management –Firm obtains detailed information about a customer’s behavior, buying patterns, etc., and uses it to set prices and negotiate terms

Electronic Commerce25

Electronic Commerce26 Creating and Maintaining Brands on the Web 在网上创建和维护品牌 Elements of branding include: –Differentiation 差异化 Company must clearly distinguish its product from all others –Relevance 关联性 Degree to which a product offers utility to a potential customer –Perceived value 感知价值 Key element in creating a brand that has value

Electronic Commerce27

Electronic Commerce28 Emotional Branding vs. Rational Branding 感性诉求与理性诉求 Emotional appeals are difficult to convey on the Web Rational branding relies on the cognitive appeal of the specific help offered, not on a broad emotional appeal

Electronic Commerce29 Affiliate Marketing Strategies 关联营销策略 Affiliate marketing 关联营销 –One firm’s Web site includes descriptions, reviews, ratings, or other information about a product that is linked to another firm’s site Affiliate site 关联网站 –Obtains the benefit of the selling site’s brand in exchange for the referral Cause marketing 理想营销 –Affiliate marketing program that benefits a charitable organization

Electronic Commerce30 Viral Marketing Strategies 病毒营销 Relies on existing customers to tell other people about products or services they have enjoyed using Example: –Blue Mountain Arts Electronic greeting card company Purchases very little advertising, but grew rapidly

Electronic Commerce31 Search Engine Positioning and Domain Names 搜索引擎排位与域名 Search engine is a Web site that helps people find things on the Web It has 3 major parts: –Spider, crawler, or robot Program that automatically searches the Web –Index or database Storage element of a search engine –Search utility Uses terms provided to find Web pages that match

Electronic Commerce32 Search Engine Positioning and Domain Names (continued) Search engine positioning or search engine optimization 搜索引擎排名与搜索引擎优化 –Combined art and science of having a particular URL listed near the top of search engine results Paid placement 付费放置 –Option of purchasing a top listing on results pages for a particular set of search terms

Electronic Commerce33 Web Site Naming Issues 网站命名问题 Domain names –Companies often buy more than one –Reason for additional domain names is to ensure that potential site visitors who misspell the URL will still be redirected to the intended site Example: Yahoo! owns the name URL brokers –Sell, lease, or auction domain names

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Electronic Commerce35 Summary Four Ps of marketing – Product, price, promotion, and place Market segmentation –Using geographic, demographic, and psychographic information can work well on the Web Types of online ads –Pop-ups, pop-behinds, and interstitials

Electronic Commerce36 Summary (continued) Technology-enabled customer relationship management can provide better returns for Web businesses Firms on the Web can use rational branding instead of emotional branding techniques Critical for many businesses is successful search engine positioning and domain name selection