Strep Throat Kendra Ashlock Gwendolyn Hornback
Causes Caused by group A streptococci (GAS). Can also affect the skin. Can be part of the normal flora.
Diagnosis Rapid Antigen Test is used to diagnose. Can also use throat cultures to diagnose.
Signs and Symptoms Strep throat - Fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, small red spots on the roof of the mouth, possible stomachache, the inside of the throat will be red and swollen with white patches of pus; usually no cough or stuffy nose associated. Scarlet Fever - Rash on neck, chest, skin folds, and thighs. Skin Infections – red, weeping sores.
Pus Pockets at the Back of the Throat.
How it’s Spread Spread via person to person contact. Usually when you come in contact with the secretions of eyes, nose, and mouth. Will feel sick around five days after contraction.
Treatment Will go away within three to seven days, with or without treatment. Antibiotics are given to shorten the time in which you are contagious. Antibiotics can be given immediately after being confirmed. Doctor may recommend nonprescription medicine to help relieve discomfort.