Patient Participation Group 2012 Great Harwood Medical Group Dr RP Grayson, Dr AK Tyagi, Dr L Radice, Dr J Ireland. Sarah Lord Practice Manager.
Welcome to Session 3 Third of 4-6 proposed PPG sessions 2012 Second Meeting- Establishing priorites – Minutes& Questionnaire sent out to you. How would you like to see the Practice develop?
AGENDA Planning Changes to the Practice Your Feedback from the second meeting Results of the Survey Q&A Any other business Arrangements for the next meeting. Evening or afternoon?
Feedback Second meeting Discussion of what impacts on your experience of our service Information gathering Feedback Questionnaire
Results of the Survey The surgery currently offers a combination of appointments which are bookable up to 4 weeks in advance and same day appointments for urgent problems. Over one hundred appointments are lost each month due to patients not turning up. To try to reduce this number of missed appointments we are looking at alternative appointment options. Which of the following would you prefer? 1) ACCESS
Results ACCESS A majority of respondents (11/12) suggested a combination of advanced bookable appointments and urgent appointments on the same day. Of those, a number of people felt that a ‘drop-in’ sit & wait option would be useful in addition to pre-booked appointments Also strong views on missed appointments!
Results Waiting A majority of respondents were happy with the waiting time for their appointments. There was an appreciation and understanding of the factors which cause appointments to overrun. Suggestion was made of the possibility of using the waiting time constructively, for example updating contact details or other information.
2) CONTACTING US Thinking of other forms of consultation would you like the option of:- Telephone consultation with a GP: consultation with a GP: Many respondents felt that newer forms of consultation could be useful Telephone consultations were particularly favoured. A good number also like the idea of communication Limitations to this type of contact were also recognised
Contacting us How do you find getting through to the practice by telephone? Most patients were content with telephone accessibility. Concerns voiced about early morning engaged tones
3) SERVICES The practice is scheduled to move into the new purpose built health centre at the end of this year. What new services would you like to see provided in the new building?
4) INFORMATION The practice would like to keep patients informed of new services and changes to current services. Would you like to be informed by:- Staff on duty notice board Publicity in outside facilities Majority of respondents felt that we should use all communication types, making the most of traditional and modern methods to reach as many of our community as possible.
5) PRESCRIBING From a patient safety aspect we discourage patients from ordering medications over the telephone as mistakes can be serious. How do you prefer to order your prescriptions? Many favourable comments about new ways of requesting medication Mixed experiences with pharmacy ordering Useful for those on the same regular medications, but not for varying drugs.
GHMG Where are we now? Priority on ‘pre-booked’ appts 2 to 4 week pre booking limit- Choice of GP Guaranteed same day 5 minute urgent appointments- No choice of GP Over 800 appointments not attended in 2012! > One whole month of GP time
Proposals To take account of your views and plan our services accordingly Review our appointment system Pre-book routine system with ‘Drop in’ clinic, Vs Pre book routine system with same day urgent appts? Which is best? Telephone consultations, , Video consultations? Review our communication Brand new website, text messaging, contact, Paper newsletter quarterly, bulletins to all registered s Review our Services We already provide well person clinics. Publicity not enough? Some services are not directly provided by us
The next session Present appointment audit data from the practice Feed back our proposed changes Examples of new suggested innovations Explore any new ideas from you
Jot down your thoughts for agenda items for the next meeting. to Or hand in in writing at reception All information will be completely anonymous Opportunity for free questions in every session.
Thank You GHMG