Highly valued member service* To keep the program current Anticipate future needs CUTA’s mission to be the “go-to” organization for information Supports vision of Integrated Mobility and TV2040 goals Challenges Data Confidence Substantial growth in the last 5 years Changing topics and scope Timing Labour intensive to have 98% response rate on surveys Why Review the IDP?
Roadmap * Primary Survey: Awareness (new), Relevance & Timeliness of 16 subject areas to Primary contacts ** Subject Specific Surveys: Relevance, Timeliness, Ease of Providing Data, Delivery Format, data standardization and importance, fusing other Socio-eco data Member Informational Kickoff Socialize Review at OTE/Events gather initial Member input Advisory Group formation & Survey Analysis of Member Surveys Recommend to Board Primary Survey* to Main Contacts Subject Specific Surveys Modifications within current Programming Modifications outside of current Programming TV Indicators Recommend to Executive Committ ee Inputs
Scope of Review New Topics Conventional Data Federal, Provincial, & Territorial Funding Customer Service Specialized DataInfrastructure NeedsIntegrated Mobility RidershipCollective Agreements Shared Services and Outsourcing Fleet, Asset, Maintenance Benchmark Organization Charts Maintenance and Warranty Performance Indicators Eligibility CriteriaTransit Bus Collisions Assets and Asset Management Fares - Conventional Crimes Against Transit Employees Greening & Energy Fare - SpecializedOther Emerging Topics
Member Awareness Data overall ranks as one of the most important services However awareness of individual components is low
Topic Relevance & Timeliness for Members Not all 13 topics are equally relevant to members Alternative timing could improve relevance to members 3 newer topics rank among relevant topics
Data Confidence To understand where Data Confidence issues lay, members were asked to rank IMPORTANCE and CONFIDENCE across all data Only a small number of data emerged as benefiting from increased confidence Conventional Data Operating expenses and funding Operating revenue Specialized Data Capital information (but not op. info) Passenger Ridership Standardization of methodology
Member Review Findings Expected Findings Value to members Only a few data need improvement Willing to accept fewer inclusions for earlier delivery Willing to decrease overall data Increase trending, segmentation Provide data in multiple formats – possibly online Mixed response to selling data Surprising Findings Low awareness Timing more important than inclusions Not combine Conventional and Specialized reporting. No need for other socio-eco data
In order to gain a better understanding we wanted to answer: What parts are relevant and important? What parts are less relevant/important? What are the major improvements requested– awareness, timing, scope, trending, benchmarks, data collections, data delivery? What newly proposed topics should be considered? What is the program’s overall value? What options are members open to offset improvements? Questions we asked
Timing of Delivery and % Inclusion Timing of data does not meet all member needs Gathering of member data is the main contributor to current timing When asked about trade-offs they would rather have data sooner with less % of members included in the data GAP to IDEAL TIMING
Possible Directions Most Relevant Relevant Advocacy Least Relevant Consider increasing timeliness and improve select data confidence. Consider select new metrics Reduce data No change Examine usefulness for transit systems, possibly simplify data
Data Collection and Distribution Members were slightly more inclined towards Online data collection than Excel. There were similar mixed preferences to how data should be received. Topic Data CollectionData Distribution Excel OnlinePDFPaperExcelOnlinePDFPaper Conventional Data Specialized Data Ridership Fleet and Assets Specialized Eligibility Fares Conventional Fares Specialized Provincial Funding Infrastructure Needs Collective Agreements Organizational Charts Bus Collision CATE Grand Total Currently, most data is gathered via Excel and distributed in PDF format CUTA should look into increasing the amount of data gathered online, in addition to Excel, as well as exploring data distribution through multiple formats (Excel, Online, and PDF)
Program Value Overall members found the Data Program to be of value. The average transit system ‘valued’ CUTA’s Data program at $86,000
New Data Topics? New topics areas are emerging as important However members were selective in the value of new topics. New Topics Assessed in the Primary Survey: Customer Service Integrated Mobility Shared Services and Outsourcing Maintenance and Warranty Performance Indicators Assets and Asset Management Greening & Energy Other Emerging Topics Topics Receiving the Highest Rating: Customer Service Integrated Mobility Maintenance and Warranty Performance Indicators
Alternative Funding To fully understand the importance of Program enhancements members were asked if/how changes could be funded: Charge Access Fees To members who don't supply data33% To new members (grandfather existing members) 4% To some member groups 8% Levy - similar to the Advocacy fee 7% Sell data to non-members 20% Reduce data, frequency or % of industry included14% External Funding Advertising in documents 1% Corporate sponsorships13%
Customer Service Performance Indicators 10 areas of Customer Service Indicators
Customer Service Performance Indicators (draft slide) 10 areas of Customer Service Indicators
Data Program – Contact Information Comments/Questions Please Contact Wendy Reuter ext