OGC Liaison Report WGISS-20 Allan Doyle, EOGEO


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Presentation transcript:

OGC Liaison Report WGISS-20 Allan Doyle, EOGEO

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 2 Summary 2 meetings since Cordoba –Frascati, Italy –St. John’s (Newfoundland), Canada Next meeting –Bonn, Germany (November 7-11, 2005) OGC News, User News and other mailing lists – – – –

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 3 Status 2 Approved Technical Baseline Docs –Reference Model, List of Specifications –No changes 17 Abstract Specifications –No changes 14 Implementation Specifications –2 new, 4 updated 9 Recommendation Papers –5 new, 1 updated, 2 promoted to IS, 1 dropped 46 Discussion Papers –4 new 2 Interoperability Program Reports

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 4 Updated Implementation Specifications GO-1Application Objects 1.0 –(03-064r10) Promoted from Recommendation Paper Web Feature Service 1.1 –(04-094) Updated from 1.0 of Filter Encoding 1.1 –(04-095) Updated from 1.0 of Web Map Context 1.1 –(05-005) Updated from 1.0 of OGC Web Services Common 1.0 –(05-008c1) Promoted from Recommendation Paper OpenGIS Location Services (OLS): Core Services 1.1 –(05-016) Updated from 1.0 of

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 5 New Recommendation Papers ISO19115/ISO19119 Application Profile for CSW 2.0 –This document explains how Catalogue Services based on the ISO19115/ISO19119 Application Profile for the OpenGIS Catalogue Services Specification v2.0 are organised and implemented for the discovery, retrieval and management of data metadata, services metadata and application metadata.

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 6 New Recommendation Papers Recommended XML/GML encoding of image CRS definitions (ImageCRS) –This document recommends standard XML encodings of data defining monoscopic image coordinate reference systems. The scope of this encoding now includes unrectified and georectified images. The recommended CRSs for georectified images are recommended for multiple georectified images that are ready to be mosaicked together. These recommended encodings are based on GML and use XML Schemas. These image CRS definitions will often be referenced in data transferred between client and server software that implements various standardised interfaces. This specified definition data encoding is expected to be used by multiple OGC Implementation Specifications. That is, each of these specifications is expected to use a subset and/or superset of this recommended definition data. The position or location of a point can be described using coordinates. Such coordinates are unambiguous only when the coordinate reference system on which those coordinates are based is fully defined. Each position is described by a set of coordinates based on a specified coordinate reference system. Coordinates are often used in datasets in which all coordinates belong to the same coordinate reference system. This paper specifies XML encoding of data defining image coordinate reference systems.

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 7 New Recommendation Papers Recommended XML/GML encoding of common CRS definitions (XML for CRS) –This document recommends standard XML encodings of data defining some commonly-used coordinate reference systems, including geographic, projected, and vertical CRSs. These recommended encodings are based on GML These common CRS definitions will often be referenced in data transferred between client and server software that implements various standardised interfaces. This specified definition data encoding is expected to be used by multiple OGC Implementation Specifications. That is, each of these specifications is expected to use a subset and/or superset of this recommended definition data. The position or location of a point can be described using coordinates. Such coordinates are unambiguous only when the coordinate reference system on which those coordinates are based is fully defined. Each position is described by a set of coordinates based on a specified coordinate reference system. Coordinates are often used in datasets in which all coordinates belong to the same coordinate reference system. This paper specifies XML encoding of data defining some coordinate reference systems.

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 8 New Recommendation Papers URNs of definitions in OGC namespace (URN) –This Recommendation Paper specifies Universal Resource Names (URNs) for definitions in the ogc URN namespace. This document specifies the formats used by these URNs, plus a set of specific URNs for specific definitions. These definitions should be used wherever applicable by implementations of various OGC Implementation Specifications, including GML, WMS, WFS, and WCS. Most of the current contents of this document were agreed on by the ad-hoc OGC working group on OWS harmonization, initiated at the June 2003 OGC meeting. The current editors of the various OWS interface Implementation Specifications have participated in this OWS harmonization group.

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 9 New Discussion Papers WCS Change Request: Support for WSDL & SOAP (WCS-WSDL) WMS Change Request: Support for WSDL & SOAP (WMS-WSDL) –The work done during the the OpenGIS Web Service 2 initiative has provided the OpenGIS with interfaces that use the XML- related technologies supported by the industry, as SOAP for the communication protocol, WSDL for the interface description language, and UDDI for registering and searching services. This change proposal presents the required change to the WCS specification to interoperate with the industry standards.

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 10 New Discussion Papers OWS-2 Application Schema Development (ASD) –This OpenGIS document describes and discusses the process of creating application schemas for NGA data. The approach used to create the application schemas starts with the creation of ISO application schemas in UML and deriving GML application schemas from them. GML in JPEG 2000 for Geographic Imagery (GMLJPEG) –GML (Geography Markup Language) is an XML grammar for the encoding of geographic information including geographic features, coverages, observations, topology, geometry, coordinate reference systems, units of measure, time, and value objects. JPEG 2000 is a wavelet based encoding for imagery that provides the ability to include XML data for description of the image within the JPEG 2000 data package. This specification defines the means by which GML is to be used within JPEG 2000 images for geographic imagery. This includes the following: Specification of the uses of GML within JPEG 2000 data packages. Packaging mechanisms for including GML within JPEG 2000 data packages. Specific GML application schemas to support the encoding of OGC coverages within JPEG 2000 data packages. – »Additional slides / from Galdos input available

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 11 Candidate Discussion Paper »Input from Jolyon Catalogue Services: Minimum Profile for EO products using SOAP and WSDL –“This profile describes the interfaces, bindings and encodings required to search, present and order data from catalogues of EO products. The profile is presented as a minimum requirement for interoperability, it is anticipated that this can be supported in a cost-effective manner by providers of EO products.” Based on work presented previously to CEOS aka. EOLI-XML See ESA ICS Presentation Can be downloaded from

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 12 OpenGIS Web Services (OWS-3) »Input from Brian McLeod Common Architecture –Catalogues (ebRIM and ISO19115 profiles) OpenLS –New Tracking Service –Pedestrian Navigation Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) –Integrated sensor data models –Sensor Observation and Planning Services –Coordinate with Common Architecture: Catalogues and Workflow –SWE client development –Plan for Sensor Alert Service Interoperability Experiment results in OWS-3 Demo

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 13 OWS-3 con’t Geo Decision Support Services –Application Schemas: UML, GML –Data Aggregation Service –Geovideo Service –Feature Portrayal Service MIL-STD 2525B EMS –GeoDSS Clients –Coordinate with Common Architecture: Catalogs and Workflow GeoDRM –License models –Click-through WFS, WMS and FPS OWS-3 demo - the “main” demo –October 25, 2005 –Washington, DC location –Scenario: wildfire breach of industrial storage facility and possible release of toxic or radiological agents

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 14 Web processing service (WPS) “lightweight” method of describing http/XML-based Web services PCI demonstrated geoprocessing services available thru WPS at St. John’s meeting Future harmonization with other Geoprocessing initatives in OGC Draft Web Processing Spec to be released as recommendation paper (for eventual ballot)

WGISS 20OGC Liaison Update 15 OGC and GEO/GEOSS Next set of slides supplied by OGC.

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