Tang Hall Primary School E - Safety Support for parents.


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Presentation transcript:

Tang Hall Primary School E - Safety Support for parents

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children use social networking sites?

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children use social networking sites? 63%

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children use the internet without their parents knowing?

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children use the internet without their parents knowing? 53%

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children send s that are not checked by an adult for content?

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children send s that are not checked by an adult for content? 26%

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children use Skype or Facetime without their parents knowing?

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children use Skype or Facetime without their parents knowing? 19%

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children have received a text message that upset them?

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children have received a text message that upset them? 26%

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children have been contacted by a stranger when gaming online?

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children have been contacted by a stranger when gaming online? 51%

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children don’t feel their parents know what they are looking at online?

In KS2 at Tang Hall... How many children don’t feel their parents know what they are looking at online 44%

Changes in Internet use: Every 60 seconds there are: 695,000 Facebook updates, 6600 Tweets and over 25 hrs of Youtube uploads. Moshi Monsters has hit 50 million members In 2011 Facebook and Twitter were used to coordinate rioters If Facebook was a country it would be the third largest In the UK there are over 30 million people on Facebook – that’s every other person you meet. There are over 50 million tweets daily. 47% of British teenagers own a smartphone compared to 27% of adults. 4 out of 5 parents say they know what their kids are doing on the internet. 1 in 3 Children say they have no idea !

E-Safety in school Areas covered in our scheme of work: Cyberbullying Mobile Phones Social networking Computer addiction Inaccurate biased content Phishing (fake s) Downloading music or other free software Sharing your wireless access P2P (file sharing)

Where’s Klaus? A CEOP resource

E-Safety at home Parental Controls How can they help? Block sites that are not age appropriate Limit inappropriate and illegal material Set timings – automatic switch off at bedtime Monitor activity

Parental Controls Thinkuknow.co.uk Links to what parental controls are available using the services provided by BT, Sky, Plusnet, Virgin Media and Talk Talk kidsmart.org.uk Tips for smartphones, gaming devices and internet enabled devices.


Simple steps to protection I have asked my child to show me sites they use I have asked my child to set the security settings on all the technologies they use I have asked my child to only accept people they know and trust in the real world as online “Friends” I have set safe settings on our computer/laptop and set adult content filters on my child’s smart phone My child has agreed to tell me if they are worried about something online

Need more support? Take any leaflets that you think would be helpful. Leave me your address and I’ll send you the links to the online support. Contact me or school for further support or if you have any further questions -