Wedding Planning Book KAI QIAN 1 Manual Wedding preparation mattersWedding day processMatters need attentionWedding planning cost 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Wedding Planning Book KAI QIAN 1

Manual Wedding preparation mattersWedding day processMatters need attentionWedding planning cost 2

1. Wedding preparation matters -- Wedding invitations for the ceremony Red means happy in the traditional Chinese wedding. In this invitation you will write the name of the bride and groom. Also you will write down the place and time of the wedding 3

-- Wedding dress and the groom’s suit Prior to the wedding, we have designed a beautiful traditional Cheongsam, for you to greet family and guests. 4

Next, is the highlight of the evening, the wedding dress. We choose this wedding dress because it is the most classics dress all over the world. White symbolize nobility and pure. It can represent the marrow of the wedding. 5 Dress Example v=_dNdh7L53Vc

Relax in our final dress for the evening, a comfortable cocktail dress so you can drink a toast with your guests. We still choose the red color, because we want the atmosphere of the wedding party is full of happy and lively. 6

The groom does not traditionally wear multiple outfits and we provide two suits: a primary and a spare. 7

--Wedding Hotel The Phoenician Hotel 8

--The design for the stage The stage has a main stage and a walkway connect with the stage. When the wedding begin, the bride will walk with her father on this walkway to the main stage where the groom stand. 9

--The food for the wedding We think the food of the wedding must be nice and delicious. Because the food is the most direct thing guest can feel. We must make the guest have a perfect impression of the wedding. 10

--The gifts for the friends You can use this box to include some candy or chocolate. It has a Chinese word around the box which means happy of the wedding. 11

-- Wedding Limousine and the cars to transfer guests 12

4. Wedding Planning Cost 13

T H E E N D 14 Link of some Example: x7VwWc x7VwWc