1 Press Ctrl-A ©G Dear2009 – Not to be sold/Free to use Salary, Wages & Commission Stage 6 - Year 11 Applied Mathematic (Preliminary General 1)


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Presentation transcript:

1 Press Ctrl-A ©G Dear2009 – Not to be sold/Free to use Salary, Wages & Commission Stage 6 - Year 11 Applied Mathematic (Preliminary General 1)

2 for the competent performance of specific tasks A salary is an agreed upon amount of pay Usually on an annual basis. (e.g. $76000 p.a.) You may be expected to put in a minimum number of hours, but also be available when extra work is needed. The employer does not provide overtime pay Teacher Doctor Judge

3 Pay is based on a per-hourly rate The employer does provide overtime pay A wage may vary from one pay period to the next. Plumber Maid Builder

4 A fee which a salesperson would receive upon completion of a sale It is a motivational system of payment designed to encourage sales staff to sell more Usually a percentage of sales. Car Salesman Real Estate Agent