R e n e w a b l e E n e r g y E d u c a t i o n L e s s o n 4 ENERGY CONSERVATION J E O P A R D Y Unit 4: Energy Conservation: Here, There, Everywhere.


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Presentation transcript:

R e n e w a b l e E n e r g y E d u c a t i o n L e s s o n 4 ENERGY CONSERVATION J E O P A R D Y Unit 4: Energy Conservation: Here, There, Everywhere

How to Use this Program  This game of Jeopardy is designed to be used only within the context of the Powering Our Future Module for Grades 6 to 8, Unit 4 Lesson 4, Energy Conservation Jeopardy.  Copy or save this PowerPoint document onto your hard drive (rather than running it from a CD-ROM).  Important: The links that allow you to jump between the game board and questions and answers function only in “VIEW SHOW” mode.  To play Jeopardy, use the Slide Show menu to select VIEW SHOW (if you have not already done so). Click anywhere to move forward to the game board slide. On the game board slide, click on the box for any Category and dollar amount to automatically display the associated answer slide. On any answer slide, click on the “Q” box in the lower right corner to automatically display the associated question slide. On any question slide, click on the “Return to Game Board” box to return to the game board slide and proceed with another category or dollar amount. Be sure to click within these special boxes, as clicking elsewhere on any slide will move you forward in the numeric slide sequence (rather than to the desired question or answer).

The Big Picture Heat Transfer Keeping Comfortable Appliances Everywhere Household Habits Light It Up $100 $200 $400 $200 $600 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $800 $1000 FINAL JEOPARDY

natural resources The Big Picture $100 Q

From what do we obtain the energy we use? The Big Picture $100 Return to Game Board

conservation The Big Picture $200 Q

What is wise use and protection from waste? The Big Picture $200 Return to Game Board

physical measures and behavioral choices The Big Picture $400 Q

What are the two general ways we can conserve energy? The Big Picture $400 Return to Game Board

energy audit The Big Picture $600 Q

What is analyzing energy use around a home, school, or other building? The Big Picture $600 Return to Game Board

heating and cooling The Big Picture $800 Q

What is the biggest energy user in our homes and schools? The Big Picture $800 Return to Game Board

10 to 50% cost savings The Big Picture $1000 Q

How much can simple, inexpensive measures reduce your energy bills? The Big Picture $1000 Return to Game Board

conduction Heat Transfer $100 Q

What is heat transfer that takes place through solid materials (or between two objects that are touching) ? Heat Transfer $100 Return to Game Board

insulation Heat Transfer $200 Q

What slows or stops heat transfer from conduction? Heat Transfer $200 Return to Game Board

convection Heat Transfer $400 Q

What is heat transfer that takes place by the movement of a liquid or gas? Heat Transfer $400 Return to Game Board

caulking and weatherstripping Heat Transfer $600 Q

What slows or stops heat transfer from convection? Heat Transfer $600 Return to Game Board

radiation Heat Transfer $800 Q

What is heat transfer through space (from one surface to another) without conduction material between? Heat Transfer $800 Return to Game Board

reflective or solid barriers Heat Transfer $1000 Q

What slows or stops heat transfer from radiation? Heat Transfer $1000 Return to Game Board

set the heat at a lower temperature $100 Keeping Comfortable Q

What saves energy during winter? $100 Return to Game Board Keeping Comfortable

10  F The Big Picture $200 Q Keeping Comfortable

How much should you lower the heat at night or when no one is home? The Big Picture $200 Return to Game Board Keeping Comfortable

ceiling fans or other fans The Big Picture $400 Q Keeping Comfortable

What helps you keep cool with the least energy use? The Big Picture $400 Return to Game Board Keeping Comfortable

evaporative cooler The Big Picture $600 Q Keeping Comfortable

What uses less energy than an air conditioner? The Big Picture $600 Return to Game Board Keeping Comfortable

set the air conditioner at a higher temperature The Big Picture $800 Q Keeping Comfortable

What saves energy during summer? The Big Picture $800 Return to Game Board Keeping Comfortable

air filter The Big Picture $1000 Q Keeping Comfortable

What increases heating and cooling costs if it’s dirty? The Big Picture $1000 Return to Game Board Keeping Comfortable

water heating $100 Q Appliances Everywhere

After heating and cooling, what is the biggest energy use in our homes? The Big Picture $100 Return to Game Board Appliances Everywhere

take shorter showers The Big Picture $200 Q Appliances Everywhere

What is the easiest way to reduce hot water use? The Big Picture $200 Return to Game Board Appliances Everywhere

phantom loads The Big Picture $400 Q Appliances Everywhere

What is the energy used by appliances that are “off”? The Big Picture $400 Return to Game Board Appliances Everywhere

pay for themselves over time The Big Picture $600 Q Appliances Everywhere

What do energy-efficient appliances do? The Big Picture $600 Return to Game Board Appliances Everywhere

“Energy Guide” The Big Picture $800 Q Appliances Everywhere

What U.S. government (yellow and black) label compares the energy used by similar products? The Big Picture $800 Return to Game Board Appliances Everywhere

“Energy Star” The Big Picture $1000 Q Appliances Everywhere

What U.S. government term tells you an appliance is among the most energy-efficient of its type? The Big Picture $1000 Return to Game Board Appliances Everywhere

when no one is using it or watching it $100 Q Household Habits

When should you turn off the computer and TV? The Big Picture $100 Return to Game Board Household Habits

a full load The Big Picture $200 Q Household Habits

When using a dishwasher or clothes washer, what should you always wash? The Big Picture $200 Return to Game Board Household Habits

on a clothesline or drying rack The Big Picture $400 Q Household Habits

What is the most energy-efficient way to dry clothes? The Big Picture $400 Return to Game Board Household Habits

after every load The Big Picture $600 Q Household Habits

How often should a clothes dryer lint filter be cleaned? The Big Picture $600 Return to Game Board Household Habits

once a year The Big Picture $800 Q Household Habits

How often should you vacuum your refrigerator coils? The Big Picture $800 Return to Game Board Household Habits

when the frost is ¼ inch thick The Big Picture $1000 Q Household Habits

When should you defrost a manual-defrost refrigerator-freezer? The Big Picture $1000 Return to Game Board Household Habits

lights in a room $100 Q Light It Up

What should you turn off when you leave a room? $100 Return to Game Board Light It Up

compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) $200 Q Light It Up

What kind of lamp is far more efficient than an incandescent bulb? $200 Return to Game Board Light It Up

1/4 as much energy $400 Q Light It Up

How much energy does a CFL use compared to an incandescent bulb (for the same amount of light) ? $400 Return to Game Board Light It Up

6 to 10 times longer $600 Q Light It Up

How much longer does a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) last than an incandescent bulb? $600 Return to Game Board Light It Up

task lighting $800 Q Light It Up

What is lighting the area in which you are working rather than the entire room? $800 Return to Game Board Light It Up

daylighting $1000 Q Light It Up

What is using natural light from outside (to supplement or replace artificial light) ? $1000 Return to Game Board Light It Up

It accounts for a large part of our impact on the environment! $1000 Q FINAL JEOPARDY

What is energy use? $1000 Return to Game Board FINAL JEOPARDY