1 Workshop on social inclusion of disabled people, Sofia, 30 - 31 October 2006 DISABILITY ORGANISATIONS Luk Zelderloo, EASPD.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on social inclusion of disabled people, Sofia, October 2006 DISABILITY ORGANISATIONS Luk Zelderloo, EASPD

2 The European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) The European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) promotes the equalisation of opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high quality service systems in Europe. EASPD represents close to 8000 service provider organisations across Europe. Our objectives are achieved through: 1.Service provision to members (Information): networking/offer exchange possibilities to members at European, national/regional and local level; 2. Policy-influencing (Impact): offering service providers a voice in Europe; 3. Research and Development (Innovation): as basis for innovation and improvement of service provision

3 EASPD EASPD has 4 Standing Committees to go more in depth in certain topics: SC on Employment SC on Education SC on Enlargement Policy Impact Group The principles of EASPD: aiming at high quality of services facilitating full participation and inclusion in society in an appropriate way of persons with a disability. To achieve this EASPD is committed to: User participation in the development and delivery of services The implementation of governance principles Active life long learning opportunities for staff Focus on Accessibility, Availability, Affordability and Adaptability of services

4 EASPD III Key objectives 1.Impact - Increase political impact on the EU and Council of Europe agenda 2.Information - Responding in a flexible way to the needs of members in relation with what is going on on the European scene 3.Innovation - Keeping projects developed in line with the overall objectives of EASPD: 4 A’s: accessibility, availability, affordability and adaptability. Av. d’Auderghem 63 / Oudergemlaan B – 1000 Brussels Tel – Fax

5 The European Association of Persons with Disabilities & their families (Inclusion Europe) - formally established as NGO in May committed to advancing the human rights and defending the interests of people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Europe; Structure of the organisation - part of Inclusion International (II) - 31 members and networks in 30 countries -II was founded in fights for human rights and social justice for people with intellectual disability and their families -close partner of the United Nations an its agencies

6 Inclusion Europe Main objectives:  Enhance the opportunities for people with a intellectual disability and their families to live as true European citizens;  Ensure the right to equal opportunities and participation in economic and social development of p.w.d;  Encourage collaboration & exchange of information between member societies across Europe;  Co-operate with like-minded organisations in the fight for social justice and to improve human rights.

7 Inclusion Europe Activities:  a wide range of activities in both the EU MS & Central & Eastern European countries  Conferences, projects  working groups, training sessions, and other information on relevant topics  compares legislation & services throughout Europe and encourages best practice to improve the lives of all people with a intellectual disability & their families More information available on :

8 European Disability Forum (EDF) EDF-represents the interests of 37 million disabled people. Mission: - to advance disabled people’s human rights and promote equal opportunities in EU policies in accordance with the principle of non-discrimination;

9 European Disability Forum Structure of the organisation:  67 organisations working at european level  23 organisations on national, regional & local level representing different impairments groups  17 National Councils representing the national disability movement from each European Economic Area (EEA)  32 individual members

10 European Disability Forum Main objectives  To promote disabled people’s human rights and equal opportunities;  To combat discrimination and social exclusion in all EU policies in accordance with the principle of mainstreaming and a social model of disability;  To increase the visibility of the 10% of the population with different types of impairment ;  To encourage the participation of disabled people’s representative organsations in civil dialogue-at all levels- in particular with EU institutions & other international org.

11 European Disability Forum Activities  EDF campaigns for policy change & plays a key role in information exchange with European disability movement  Strenghtening non-discrimination legislation, in employment and other areas of Community comptence – according to the principle of meanstriming: transport,information society, social protection...  Equal opportunities for disabled people in employment & education... More information available on:

12 Mental Health Europe Introduction MHE-SME, as an advocacy and educational E-NGO, promotes the mental health of people in all its aspects : social, education, medical and biological Structure of the organisation - members are organisations and individuals from all over Europe with different kinds of mental health interests, experiences, expertise and responsibilities who form an equal partnership.

13 Mental Health Europe The membership includes user organisations, volunteers and professional organisations working at the regional, national and European level. MHE has about 72 member organisations in 25 European countries and 56 individual members.

14 Mental Health Europe Main objectives: promotion of positive mental health; prevention of mental distress; protection of human rights of mental health services, patients of psychiatric hospitals, their families, and carers; To develop policy positions on mental health issues in consultation with its membership; To lobby and influence key decision making on European mental health issues.

15 Mental Health Europe Activities promotes and supports its member organisations through information and consultation develops and formulates policies and strategies on mental health issues initiates co-operation and communication between stakeholders in mental health identifies and disseminates good practices in mental health

16 Mental Health Europe MHE-SME provides information on EU matters in mental health MHE-SME increases awareness for mental health and campaigns on important issues MHE-SME organises meetings, seminars, conferences and workshops MHE-SME negotiates on mental health with all relevant European bodies More information available at: