Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) Open Briefing to Member States 27 July 2010 Conference Room 2 NLB.


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Presentation transcript:

Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) Open Briefing to Member States 27 July 2010 Conference Room 2 NLB

Presentation  Basic Introduction  Strategic vision  The work since institutionalization  The way forward  Q & A

CTITF and the Global Strategy “…ensure overall coordination and coherence in the counter- terrorism efforts of the United Nations system, within the context of building Member States’ capacity to combat terrorism and strengthen the role of the United Nations in this regard.” Section III, paragraph 5 of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (A/RES/60/288) “…ensure overall coordination and coherence in the counter- terrorism efforts of the United Nations system, within the context of building Member States’ capacity to combat terrorism and strengthen the role of the United Nations in this regard.” Section III, paragraph 5 of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (A/RES/60/288)

The Global Strategy  Measures to address the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism;  Measures to prevent and combat terrorism;  Measures to build States’ capacity to prevent and combat terrorism and to strengthen the role of the United Nations system in this regard;  Measures to ensure respect for human rights for all and the rule of law as the fundamental basis of the fight against terrorism.

The CTITF Role  United Nations’ departments, funds and agencies, along with its relevant international partners, play a critical part within their respective mandates on policy advice, institutional development and assistance delivery related to the implementation of the Global Strategy.  CTITF has a role in:  Promoting exchange of information and experiences;  Launching joint programmes;  Ensuring coordination and minimizing duplication.

CTITF Entities and Observers (30) CTED Monitoring Team of Resolution 1267 Expert Group of Resolution 1540 Department of Political Affairs Department of Peacekeeping Operations Department of Public Information Department of Safety and Security Department of Economic and Social Affairs Executive Office of the Secretary- General Office of Disarmament Affairs Office of Legal Affairs Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs International Atomic Energy Agency International Civil Aviation Organization International Monetary Fund World Bank Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons United Nations Development Programme United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations Inter-regional Crime and Justice Research Institute United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime World Health Organization Office of the Special Advisor on Africa United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees International Organization on Migration Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights while Countering Terrorism International Maritime Organization World Customs Organization INTERPOL

Institutionalization: A/RES/64/235  Promote coordination within the United Nations system and with key international and regional organizations towards the effective implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.  Provide Member States with policy advice and good practices from the United Nations system in implementing the 4 Pillars of the Strategy.  Coordinate the delivery of requested assistance to Member States from the United Nations system on the implementation of the Strategy.

Strategic vision  While the primary responsibility of implementing the Global Strategy rests with Member States, CTITF will:  Ensure that United Nations system entities are attuned to the needs of Member States in this regard;  Provide Member States with the necessary policy advice;  Spread in-depth knowledge of the Strategy;  Expedite and ease technical assistance to Member States, where needed;  Serve as a platform for Member States to share their input and experiences on counter-terrorism with the United Nations system and relevant international organizations, as well as with each other.

CTITF Plan of Action: A three-pronged approach 1.Building in-depth knowledge of the Global Strategy amongst Governments, relevant ministries, regional and subregional organizations and key interested civil society and the private sector, as provided for in the Strategy, in order to inform all stakeholders on the Strategy and the need for its implementation. 2.Strengthening partnerships with Member States, United Nations system entities and relevant international and regional organizations in order to:  enhance collaboration and exchange of information on the implementation of the Strategy.  promote the flow of coordinated policy advice and access to good practices between United Nations entities and Member States on the Strategy.  encourage and support the delivery of requested technical assistance within the Organization’s vision of “One United Nations – Delivering as One.” 3. Ensuring comprehensiveness in the implementation of the Strategy by highlighting all four pillars of the Strategy in its work, particularly Pillars 1 and 4.

Activities: Four Pillars  CTITF has expanded its engagement with key entities that deal with Pillars 1 and 4 of the Strategy.  Objective: a counter-terrorism approach that is comprehensive, holistic and respectful of human rights and the rule of law.  Pillars 2 and 3 should continue to receive attention  Law enforcement capacity  Judicial and legal machinery  Border control systems  Overall Government capability

Activities: Focus on key thematic areas CTITF entities collaborate in important thematic areas:  Preventing and resolving conflicts  Supporting and highlighting victims of terrorism  Preventing and responding to WMD attacks  Tackling the financing of terrorism  Countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes  Strengthening the protection of vulnerable targets  Protecting human rights while countering terrorism.  Countering the appeal of terrorism  Effective management of international borders (new)

Activities: I-ACT  Information gathering consultation rounds within CTITF and with authorities in partnering States.  Mapping of technical assistance delivered and identification of key areas of further work.  Compiled information is shared with all CTITF entities and relevant partners through a web-based information system.

Way Forward Inter-agency coordination Supporting the implementation of the Global Strategy

Way Forward  Spreading in-depth knowledge of the Strategy in Member States and their regions.  Policy advice to Member States and regional and subregional organizations.  More active engagement with EOSG.  Seek thematic and practical input from Member States on effective counter-terrorism policies that are in conformity with the Global Strategy.

Conclusion  8 September: Review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.  Several side events are being organized on 7 and 9 September in partnership with IPI.  Regular briefings and other forms of frequent engagement with Member States.

Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force Office (CTITF) TB-8004A Teacher’s Bldg 730 Third Avenue