Wild, Wonderful, Wacky Weather
Let’s watch this video to learn more about weather: climate.htm
Define these terms in your notebook: Weather Climate
Meteorology- The study of weather Temperature How hot or cold it is Wind Direction Is the wind blowing north, south, east, or west? Cloud Cover Are there lots of clouds out? Not many? Wind Speed How fast is the wind blowing? Precipitation Is it raining? Snowing? Sleeting? Examples:
Weather Tools Temper ature Measure d with a thermom eter Copy this into your notebook!
Let ’ s Experiment ! Let ’ s take a look at these thermometers. What do you notice about them? When measuring temperature, do you measure from the Celsius side or the Fahrenheit side? What temperature does this read?
Let ’ s Experiment ! We are going to find out how the thermometer works with an experiment. You and your table group are going to travel around to three different stations: Ice Surface: Putting the thermometer in an ice cup Heat Surface: Testing the thermometer outside Room Temperature Surface: Testing the thermometer inside At each station, your job is to record the temperature for the surface. When you get to the station, expose the thermometer to the surface. Leave the thermometer there for 30 seconds, then pull the tool out. Read and record the temperature as soon as you pull it out! When you hear my bell, you will rotate to the next station. Any inappropriate behavior will result in a circle and sitting out!
Temperature Observations and Results Surface TypeSurface DescriptionsTemperatures Cold Surface Room Temperature Surface Outside Surface What can we infer about temperatures and thermometers?
Weather Tools Temper ature Measured with a thermome ter Rises with hot weather, lowers with cool weather Copy this into your notebook!
Is wind really that important, anyway? Yes, wind is VERY important! It can be something that cools you down on a hot day, or it can be something that destroys buildings!
Check out this video about wind:
Weather Tools Temper ature Measured with a thermome ter Rises with hot weather, lowers with cool weather Copy this into your notebook! Wind Direct ion Measured with a wind vane
Wind Direction Wind always blows north, south, east, or west. Draw a compass in your notebook: For the most part, the wind blows from the west to the east. Wind is air moving from an area of high pressure to low pressure.
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