Plural Possessive Nouns Grammar Skills Plural Possessive Nouns
Plural Possessive Nouns The boys played soccer. Is this sentence talking about one boy or more than one? More than one
Plural Possessive Nouns The boys’ uniform got dirty. Is this sentence talking about one boy or more than one? More than one
Plural Possessive Nouns There is a difference between boys and boys’. The apostrophe is used to show belonging.
Plural Possessive Nouns A plural nouns means more than one and usually end in s.
Plural Possessive Nouns A plural possessive noun shows that something belongs to more than one person, animal, or thing. These nouns usually end in s’.
Plural Possessive Nouns Some plural nouns such as children and mice, do not end in s. To form the possessive of these nouns, add ‘s.
Plural Possessive Nouns There were twelve children at the twins’ birthday party. What is the plural possessive noun? twins’ What belongs to the twins? The birthday party.
Plural Possessive Nouns The twins passed out the children’s party favors. What is the plural possessive noun? children’s What belongs to the children? The party favors.
Plural Possessive Nouns The boys’ favors were in red bags and the girls’ were in yellow ones. What is the plural possessive noun? boys’ and girls’ What belongs to the boys and the girls? The red and yellow bags.
Plural Possessive Nouns The candles’ wax dripped onto the cake. What is the plural possessive noun? candles’ What belongs to the candle? The wax.
Plural Possessive Nouns The twins enjoyed their friends’ singing. What is the plural possessive noun? friends’ What belongs to the friends? The singing.
Plural Possessive Nouns Tim and Kim opened their guests’ gifts. What is the plural possessive noun? guests’ What belongs to the guests? The gifts.
Plural Possessive Nouns After the games, Kim gave out the winners’ prizes. What is the plural possessive noun? winners’ What belongs to the winners? The prizes.
Plural Possessive Nouns The children tied all the balloons’ strings together. What is the plural possessive noun? baloons’ What belongs to the baloons? The strings.
Plural Possessive Nouns Everyone helped clean up the presents’ wrappings. What is the plural possessive noun? presents’ What belongs to the presents? The wrappings.
Plural Possessive Nouns The children watched for their parents’ cars to arrive. What is the plural possessive noun? parents’ What belongs to the parents? The cars.