Project “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession” (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) Evaluation.


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Presentation transcript:

Project “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession” (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) Evaluation capacity building: The road behind & the path ahead A Presentation of Component II VISIBILITY EVENT From IPA to Structural Funds in Croatia: Lessons from and for Evaluation Antonio Strazzullo Zagreb, 23/04/2013

Overview  Component II was a complex set of activities based on: well structured, comprehensive ToR A clear logic of intervention  (Implementation fought against “time” and “timing”)  Starting with the analysis of the immediate past, and mostly, the present situation  Providing immediate outputs and results;  Projecting in the future with the indication of short-term steps to reach medium term objectives; that is why we have chosen to discuss the ROAD BEHIND and the PATH AHEAD 2Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

THE ROAD BEHIND: ACTIVITIES AND OUTPUTS OF COMPONENT II 3Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

The starting point: the evaluation capacity assessment Assessment of:  previous experiences in evaluation, programming and partnership management in the NSRF coordinating authority, and in MA and IB;  Evaluation training delivery framework in Croatia: the gaps in the education and training system in Croatia mapped.  Training Needs of all appointed individual experts. 4Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

Findings of the Capacity assessment expectably, the institutions involved in managing SCF and the staff currently assigned to perform the evaluation functions in the same institutions:  did not have a remarkable level of capacity and knowledge concerning evaluation;  had only limited exposure to some parts of the EU programme cycle; and  they had had no significant relations with the independent evaluators... Furthermore:  No comprehensive training on evaluation had been provided neither on regular or occasional basis...  Evaluation is not a requirement within the governance system in the Croatian PA. 5Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

Component II “Strengthening Evaluation Capacity for EU Cohesion Policy Funds Management” A logical overview 6Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

The process of building expertise in individuals (activity 2.7 & 2.8) A training plan and training programme developed: defining objectives of training within ECB, Associating the training objectives to the roles assigned to experts appointed to perform “evaluation function” in the bodies involved in implementing SCF; Detailing the objective, general contents and modalities of delivery of all proposed courses Training plan: activities over the next 5 years; Training programme: activities over the life span of the project 7Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

Training delivery (activity 2.8) From 4 June 2012 to 6 March 2013  24 training units from 8 modules have been held;  22 training days;  39 participants registered in evaluation trainings (17.5 Average per day attendance – min 8, max 27)  368 trainee-days;  6 trainers deployed; 8Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

Support to the establishment of an EWG  5 meetings providing direct experiences from 3 countries (4 project experts deployed) focussing on the issues to be considered for setting up the evaluation system in Croatia, namely Architecture of the system Organization and roles Process of capacity building  Some practical tools provided …. 9Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

Tools (outputs provided – 2.4, 2.5)  6 EVALUATION PLAN FOR: Environmental OP Transport OP Regional Competitiveness OP Human Resources Development OP OP for Fisheries National Strategic Reference Framework  Guidelines for drafting an Evaluation Plan  Template for Evaluation Plan for period 10Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

TOOLS  Guidelines for drafting Terms of Reference for evaluation activities and also, in addition ….  Draft Standard Rules for Evaluation Steering Group  Draft Regulation for the Governance of the Evaluation Working Group  Revised and updated “Evaluation Manual” 11Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

Further seminars, workshops and inputs to MRDEUF (2.9)  Workshop on Financing Evaluation and Evaluation Communication through the Technical Assistance Priority held on 12/12/2012  Workshop on “Evaluation system in Croatia: architecture and capacity building roadmap - Vision and the main steps” held on 08/03/2013.  Support to drafting “Rules and procedure on programme evaluation”  Minor inputs to drafting/commenting various communications and documents 12Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

EVALUATION CAPACITY BUILDING ROADMAP (2.3) ROADMAP PRODUCED Aim  identify the policies and the steps needed to establish the conditions for developing evaluation capacity in Croatia, possibly creating the conditions for sustainability and self reliance. 13Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

THE PATH AHEAD THE PROPOSALS FOR CAPACITY BUILDING ROADMAP 14Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

The three pillars for Evaluation Capacity Building in Croatia  the most appropriate steps to enhance evaluation in Croatian PA: architecture, institution building, human resources empowerment;  support to the development of an adequate evaluation supply chain, an evaluation market and a market for evaluators;  strengthening of the demand for evaluation, that is, the willingness and ability of the public administration to commission evaluation and use its results to improve effectiveness of public policy; THE AIM IS:  the institutionalization of evaluation, that is, the assimilation of evaluation as a regular practice within the Croatian public administration to improve quality and effectiveness of public policies. 15Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

Evaluation Capacity Roadmap: A logical scheme 16Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

FOCUS: POSSIBLE IMMEDIATE ACTIONS (PERIOD 2013 – 2015) 17Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

Evaluation System Architecture: The next steps ( )  To separate Evaluation from Monitoring  Coordination Unit as staff to Assistant Minister;  Evaluation functions in Ministries, attached to Programming or to Technical Secretariat of the MA**  To increase staff over time, balancing “insider” experience with policy fields expertise and evaluation training;  To develop a specific recruitment and retention policy for evaluation units staff;  To continue (after this project) the training plan addressed to evaluation units and main counterparts; 18Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

Evaluation System Architecture: The next steps ( )  To provide a specific technical assistance programme (also a Twinning project) to support the capacity building process (SF Resources or transition facility?)  To formalize (institutionalize) the EWG, along side the options discussed within the Group. 19Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

To enhance evaluation supply chain – Next Steps ( )  To ensure availability of trained evaluators, the MRDEUF will promote actions towards Universities and other institutions: to include credit courses on programme evaluation at undergraduate level; To provide courses at MSc level, for students; To provide, under the aegis of the GoC, courses and professional education to train civil servants;  Master in PP or Master in PA  Taylor made Executive training  To ensure the development of local expertise, MRDEUF will promote the creation of an evaluation society that will join the wider EU community of existing evaluation societies and groups. 20Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

To enhance evaluation supply chain – Next Steps ( ) THIS CAN BE DONE USING STRUCTURAL FUNDS, TOO:  Ensure that SF OP will include adequate financing for Priority 11 “Administrative Capacity”;  Set an objective such as “Increasing evaluation capacity for public policy analysis”  Include activities aimed at evaluation training, e.g.: a project managed by the Academy of PA or similar body to provide training for civil servants  Provide lines of financing for project(s) for university MA on evaluation  Provide for a project to support developing the Evaluation Society (e.g.: a TA contract or a Twinning. INTERREG the of project can also be useful) 21Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

FOCUS: ENHANCING THE DEMAND FOR EVALUATION 22Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”

STENGTHENING DEMAND aiming at INSTITUTIONALIZATION 23Project (EUROPAID/130401/D/SER/HR) “Ex-ante evaluation of programming documents and strengthening evaluation capacity for EU funds post-accession”  Very far reaching objectives...; .... but in line with EU vision of modern governance (and, possibly, future requirements);  Requires intervention/commitment at the highest political and administrative level, probably within a wide reform of PA;  Outcome oriented policy; evaluation cycle for all national expenditure programmes; civil servants career linked to outcomes of policies..

FOR CONTACTS Antonio Strazzullo Key Expert for Capacity Building on Evaluation T HANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !