Overview of LCG-France Tier-2s and Tier-3s Frédérique Chollet (IN2P3-LAPP) on behalf of the LCG-France project and Tiers representatives CMS visit to Tier-1.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of LCG-France Tier-2s and Tier-3s Frédérique Chollet (IN2P3-LAPP) on behalf of the LCG-France project and Tiers representatives CMS visit to Tier-1 Lyon, Nov

2 Contents Short overview …  LCG-France sites  Planned Tier-2s contribution  T2 T3 Technical group CMS specific support and activities will be presented later on… … ready for coordinated activities

3 Introduction LCG-France project promotes the creation and coordinates the integration of Tier-2/Tier-3 french sites into the WLCG collaboration 4 WLCG Tiers-2 :  Analysis facility in Lyon  GRIF-Paris Region acting as a federation of 5 sites (DAPNIA, IPNO, LAL,LLR, LPNHE)  LPC-Clermont  Subatech-Nantes LCG-France sites : a set of 5 Tier-2s and 4 Tier-3s  11 IN2P3 laboratories and DAPNIA Saclay involved  Tier-2s and Tier-3s funded by universities, local/regional governments, hosting laboratories, …  Open to EGEE VOs - Collaborations established outside HEP  CNRS funding support expected from 2009

4 LCG-Frances sites Tier-2: LPC AF: CC-IN2P3 Tier-3: IPHC Lyon Clermont-Ferrand Ile de France Marseille Nantes Strasbourg Tier-3: IPNL Tier-3: CPPM Tier-2: Subatech Tier-2: GRIF CEA/DAPNIA LAL LLR LPNHE IPNO Tier-2: GRIF CEA/DAPNIA LAL LLR LPNHE IPNO Tier-1: CC-IN2P3 Annecy Tier-2: LAPP Grenoble Tier-3: LPSC Annecy Tier-2: LAPP Grenoble Tier-3: LPSC

5 LCG-France CMS sites AF: CC-IN2P3 Tier-3: IPHC Lyon Ile de France Strasbourg Tier-3: IPNL Tier-2: GRIF CEA/DAPNIA LLR Tier-2: GRIF CEA/DAPNIA LLR Tier-1: CC-IN2P3

6 Supported LHC VOs AliceAtlasCMSLHCb T1 CC-IN2P3 llll Tier-2 AF Lyon llll GRIF (Paris Region) llll LAPP (Annecy) l l LPC (Clermont) ll l Subatech (Nantes) l Tier-3 CPPM (Marseille) l l IPHC (Strastbourg) l l IPNL (Lyon) l l LPSC (Grenoble) ll All sites also support other virtual organizations, including the EGEE official VOs and local users

7 Tier-2s planned contribution

8 Tier-2s Planned Contribution in 2008 for all LHC experiments CPU Storage Share among experiments of all TIer-2s resources

9 Tier-2s & Tier-3s technical group Objectives  federate tier-2 & tier-3 technical teams and ensure their integration in the WLCG collaboration  coordinate the deployment of computing resources in tiers-2 & tiers-3 for simulation and analysis of LHC experiments Organization  Strong collaboration  with tier-1 at CC-IN2P3  with national experiment representatives  Monthly (remote) meetings with representatives of french sites  Separate, monthly (remote) meetings dedicated to foreign sites  Work in coordination with the EGEE operations organization in the region  Based at the tier-1, which acts as EGEE Regional Operations Centre  Includes non LHC sites (both academic and private)  Dedicated mailing list, wiki ( ) and agenda category ( )

10 Tier-2s & Tier-3s technical group (cont.) In close contact with some associated sites to the LCG-France tier-1  Europe  Belgium CMS Tier-2  Romanian Federation ATLAS Tier-2  Asia  IHEP China - ATLAS and CMS Tier2  ICEPP Japan - ATLAS Tier2 In close contact with  EGEE SA1: Grid Operations (ROC support)  with Experiments : LHC computing tracking  with Network experts in IN2P3 and Renater NREN

11 Summary Additional resources coming from Tier-2s & even Tier-3 initiatives  Not in competition with Tier-1 funding but funding support expected in 2009  Significant effort in terms of Budget, infrastructure, human support… Collaborative work  Within EGEE SA1  Resources and base line services  Within LCG-France  Tier-1 – Tier-2s Tier-3s integration  Enhance collaboration between sites experts and experiment representatives  Relation with the corresponding T1 is fundamental  Working together with experiments  Experiment computing models define tasks distribution, data distribution and specific data flows between Tier-1s and Tier-2s

12 Backup slides

13 Networking infrastructure Each tier-2 connected to RENATER backbone at 1 Gbps Separate circuit for connecting tier-1 and foreign sites (through GEANT) at 10 Gbps  In operation since June 20 th Gbps links within GRIF  In operation since November 13 th 2007

14 Actual contribution (EGEE accounting) Normalised CPU time to a reference value to 1 kSI2000 Source:

15 Actual contribution (cont.) Source: