Weather Watch Asbury Park, New Jersey
Created by: Elijah Elijah Tashona Tashona
Precipitation Precipitation is the amount of water, such as rain, snow, or sleet, that condenses from the atmosphere and falls to the surface of the earth. Precipitation is the amount of water, such as rain, snow, or sleet, that condenses from the atmosphere and falls to the surface of the earth. The average precipitation for New Jersey is between inches each year. The average precipitation for New Jersey is between inches each year. Precipitation happens on approximately 120 days per year. Precipitation happens on approximately 120 days per year.
The following chart shows the amount of precipitation for New Jersey for the year The following chart shows the amount of precipitation for New Jersey for the year We created the chart using EXCEL. We created the chart using EXCEL.
Average Precipitation for Asbury Park, NJ Source:
Precipitation analysis: January: We had above average precipitation. January: We had above average precipitation. February: We had below average precipitation. February: We had below average precipitation. March 2006 was the driest March ever on record for New Jersey. March 2006 was the driest March ever on record for New Jersey. April: We had a little above average precipitation this month. April: We had a little above average precipitation this month. May: We had a little more than average rainfall this month. May: We had a little more than average rainfall this month.
June – We had an above average amount of precipitation. June – We had an above average amount of precipitation. July – We had an above average amount of precipitation in July. July – We had an above average amount of precipitation in July. August – We had a below average amount of rainfall for the month of August. August – We had a below average amount of rainfall for the month of August.
September: We had the average amount of precipitation for the month of September. September: We had the average amount of precipitation for the month of September. October: We had a little more than the average amount of precipitation for the month of October. October: We had a little more than the average amount of precipitation for the month of October.
November: We had above normal precipitation for the month of November. November: We had above normal precipitation for the month of November. December: We had below normal precipitation for the month of December. December: We had below normal precipitation for the month of December.
Weather New Jersey is half way between the equator and the North Pole. The weather changes quite a lot in New Jersey because of the wet, dry, hot, and cold air streams. New Jersey is half way between the equator and the North Pole. The weather changes quite a lot in New Jersey because of the wet, dry, hot, and cold air streams. There are 5 climate regions in our state. There are 5 climate regions in our state.
The following charts show the types of weather experienced in Asbury Park, NJ. We kept a daily record on a calendar. At the end of the month we led the class in a lesson on how to compute the percentage of each type of weather. We then made a pie chart using EXCEL. The following charts show the types of weather experienced in Asbury Park, NJ. We kept a daily record on a calendar. At the end of the month we led the class in a lesson on how to compute the percentage of each type of weather. We then made a pie chart using EXCEL.
Average amount of sunshine for Asbury Park, NJ Source:
Average amount of cloudy days for Asbury Park, NJ Source:
Average amount of precipitation for Asbury Park, NJ Source:
Average amount of snowfall for Asbury Park, NJ Source:
Weather analysis: January: We had almost the same amount of sunny days in 2006 as in the past. January: We had almost the same amount of sunny days in 2006 as in the past. February: We had more sunny days in 2006 than in the past. February: We had more sunny days in 2006 than in the past. March: March stayed about the same at 59% sunny days. March: March stayed about the same at 59% sunny days.
April: in 2006 we had 65% sunny days up from 58% in the past. April: in 2006 we had 65% sunny days up from 58% in the past. May: It wasn’t as sunny and we didn’t get a lot of rain in 2006 May: It wasn’t as sunny and we didn’t get a lot of rain in 2006 June: We had less sunny days this year for the month. June: We had less sunny days this year for the month.
July: We had about the same amount of sunshine this July as we did last year. July: We had about the same amount of sunshine this July as we did last year. August: We had the same amount of sunny days this year as in the past. August: We had the same amount of sunny days this year as in the past. September: We had a lot less sunny days this year for the month of September compared to the past. September: We had a lot less sunny days this year for the month of September compared to the past.
October: We had a lot more sunny dsys this year then we usually do. October: We had a lot more sunny dsys this year then we usually do. November: We had the same amount of sunny days this year that we usually do. November: We had the same amount of sunny days this year that we usually do. December: We had the same amount of sunny days this year that we usually do. December: We had the same amount of sunny days this year that we usually do.