By Somnang Rom Epoxy Resins
Application of epoxy resins These are typical fiber winding machine “ Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing”: Material, Methods, and Applications Copyright 1989 (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) Fibers matrix The applications of epoxy were being use with fibers. Example: boat, airplane, windmill blade, helicopter rotor blade, etc Composite:
Background The epoxy resins refers to a class of synthetic polymer. Resin is the liquid form of epoxy before a reaction with hardener. Chemical structure of epoxy resins -molecular formula of epoxy resins Epoxy resins are formed from a long chain molecular chain structure monomer polymer
What is the epoxy resins Epoxy resins very stiff when mixed and cured with at any temperature from 5 o C to 150 o C, it also depend on the curing agent. Amine are used as a hardener with it react with hydrogen’s that crosslink and chains with epoxy resins. - one epoxy molecule for harder molecule - physical property of the epoxy resins will depend on the crosslink density Cross-linked by hardener Molecular form for epoxy and amine: unhardened resins
Epoxy Vs. Polyester resins The advantages of the epoxy excellence fatigue resistance, when compare to polyester resins very low shrinkage, when it cure very tough, when it harden. excellence chemical resistance
Epoxy use in Fiber winding CNC Fiber Winding CNC, pregnated the fibers It will be automated and inexpensive method for manufacturing cylindrical shapes. The advantages of fiber winding -precise fibre orientations -uncrimped fiber path -consistency and repeatability (pattern)
Epoxy resins and hardener In my design, I will used 50% resins and 50% hardener(1:1 ratio) The epoxy and harder will be applied on separate fibers mixed through contact in winding processing. harder resins Needle eye Rotational direction Direction of feeder mandrel fiber
Conclusion: - very tough, when it harden - Epoxy are very strong, particular for their weight ratio.
Reference: Composite spars and Tubes PolymerProcessing Gurit Composite Technologies Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing: materials, Methods, and Applications Published by Society of Manufacturing Engineers Copyright 1989, written by Dr. Strong A. Brent