AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Slawomir Boruch Week 3: February 1 st, 2007 Dynamics & Control EP Trajectory Design, aM, aE, EPS1, EPS2, Sample Return vehicle groups
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design TypeLEO- HEO HEO- LEO HEO- HMO HMO- HEO LEO- HMO ΔV (km/s) M o /M pay M pay (mt) Isp (s) Thrust (N) M hardware (mt) P jet (kW) P elec (kW)
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Future Work Work needs to be checked via numerical integration Should consider 3-D case (inclinations) Unknown masses major source of error
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup Slides
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Sample Calculation LEO - HMO a a’ a does not equal a’!! 1)Since semi-major axis of transfer changes with synodic period, had to figure out Vinf for all possible trajectories. 2) Vinf is the heliocentric velocity of s/c on transfer in heliocentric reference frame minus the helocentric velocity of the planet. 3) Delta V escape can be calculated using:
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design 4) Find “Upper Stage” delta V from LEO TO HEO 5) Calculate total delta V: ΔV = ΔVesc_earth + ΔVcap_mars + ΔVus 6) Use the following to find Isp that minimizes Mo/Mpayload Sample Calculation LEO - HMO
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Sample Calculation LEO - HMO 7) Find Thrust:
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Payload Mass Breakdown TypeLEO- HEO HEO- LEO HEO- HMO HMO- HEO LEO- HMO ComponentsTV, dM, dE, aM EP full, EP empty EP empty ET, EPHAB, dM