Origin of the ipad Originated in January 2011 Released in April in the same year
How the prices of ipad is determined??? Demand and supply Taking other variables constant, --demand increases, supply increases --demand decreases, supply decreases
What causes changes in demand??? Consumer income Taste Government legislation Consumer expectation Prices of substitutes Prices of compliments
Factors affecting supply Cost of production State of technology Price of related goods Government policy
Associated products International plug that can be used worldwide USB port for computer Car charger so it can be changed on the move
How recent developments affect marketing and pricing decisions? Competition Microsoft and Nokia partnership to make a joint product Consumers switching to windows mobile platform
More money invested by apple in R&D Ensure that products are ahead of competitors Buying an apple ipad has better marginal benefits than other products Ensuring marginal benefit is higher than marginal cost
More people will continue buying apple products Demand and quantity increase Price increase Higher profits
Cost of resources Apple looks to expand its market Pushes PPC out New production facility would be built Cost of producing one ipad increase as mortgage and workforce needs to be paid
More advertising needed Company’s budget increase Generate more profits to pay off budget Price increases
Switching to substitutes Improved version of windows mobile out in 2012 New product will have new functions Certain consumer prefer the functions in windows mobile Less people buy ipad
Demand drop, supply drop Decreasing prices means lesser money earned
High prices Due to new technology, prices goes up(as mentioned earlier) Some consumers were unwilling or unable to pay These people are rationed out of the market
People wiling and able to pay continue paying Overall quantity demanded decreases, quantity supplied decreases Producers produce lesser ipads as the sticks are in surplus Quantity demanded drop is unhealthy sign to business
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