Meteorological Instrumentation Setups and Measurements in Mica Creek Watershed Wenguang Zhao and Russell J. Qualls Idaho NSF EPSCoR Project
A. Tower: 130ft (40m) high
B. Instruments on the Tower: 1. Q7 net radiometer: net radiation. 2. Li-Cor 200X: global radiation. 3. Li-Cor 190SB: PAR. 4. HMP45C: air temperature & humidity. 5. RM Young 5103: wind speed & direction. 6. CSAT-3: 3D anemometer. 7. Li-Cor 7500: H 2 O & CO2 concentration 8. TCs: air temperature profile
B. Instruments on the Tower (Cont.):
C. Subsurface Instruments: 1. HFT-3: soil heat fluxes. 2. CS616: soil water content profiles (6 layers down to 110cm depth). 3. TCs: soil temperature profiles (6 layers down to 110cm depth).
D. Preliminary Results:
1. Battery Voltage:
2. Air Temperature and Relative Humidity:
3. Air Temperature and Vapor Pressure:
4. Wind Speed:
5. Solar Radiation, Net Radiation & PAR:
5. Solar Radiation, Net Radiation & PAR (cont):
6. Soil Water Content:
7. Soil Temperature:
8. Air Temperature Profile:
8. Air Temperature Profile (cont.):
9. Corresponding Wind Speed:
10. Air Temperature Profile (cont.):
11. Comparison of 40 m Air Temperature Measured From HMP and TC
E. Questions?