“Fertibot” Mike Ambrisco Andrew Bourgeois Eric Hall Aaron Minard
Background Robots in agriculture are emerging A prototype of the Precision-Ag-in-a-Box sensor suite gathered data during the field tests. Disease detecting robots John Deere and NREC building a fleet of robots for testing Testing during day and night National Robotics Engineering Center Integrated Auomation for Sustainable Specialty Crops
Problem Develop an automated robotic system that can distribute 8oz of a granulated fertilizer uniformly around the perimeter at the edge of an apple tree canopy.
Design Solutions Distribution “Water Wheel” Weight Sensors Navigation Geo-Magnetic Compass Finding the Tree Canopy Ultrasonic Sensors
Actual Solutions Distribution Conveyor Per degree of travel Navigation Magnetic Field Sensor Finding the Canopy Ultrasonic Sensors
System Diagram
Programming Overview
Wiring Schematic
Programming State Diagram
Sensors We Are Using Magnetic Field SensorUltrasonic Distance Sensor Detects the Earth’s magnetic field Strength along X axis and along Y axis. Detects distance from an object by sending a ping and measuring the return time.
Operation of Ping Sensors
Control of Ping Sensors
Personal Assignments Mechanical Systems Manager: Andrew Bourgeois Assistants: Mike Ambrisco, Eric Hall, Aaron Minard Sensor Design and Configuration Manager: Aaron Minard Assistants: Eric Hall Troubleshooting: Andrew Bourgeois Electrical and Software Design Manager: Andrew Bourgeois, Aaron Minard Assistants: Eric Hall, Mike Ambrisco Documentation and Research Every member of Team Blue contributed in the research and documentation of the project.
Time Line CategorySub CategoryWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8 Reasearch-XXXX Discussion-XXXXXXXX Design-XXXXXXX Prototypes- XXX Cad Design-XXXXX Fabracation- -Hopper XXX -Base Frame XXX -BracketsXXXXX -Feeder XXX -Drive SystemXX
Budget ItemQuantityCostTotal CostPaid For 12V Motors2$17.50$35.00$0.00 Motor Controller 1$ $0.00 Conveyer Controller 1$18.95 $0.00 Micro/ accessories 1$15.00 $0.00 Ping Sensors4$30.00$120.00$0.00 Compass1$30.00 $0.00 Materials1--$15.00 T-Slotted Aluminum Extrusion 8 ft$26.38 $0.00 T-Nuts and Cap Screws 74$1.85/4$34.23$0.00 Totals$414.55$15.00
Documentation All paper documents can be found in the Team Blue notebook