+++JACKY DE NOIR+++  I'm Jacky as kg01018  I've learned a lot from A- jet when in junior high  I was elated to find A-jet had become so strong  Is.


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Presentation transcript:

+++JACKY DE NOIR+++  I'm Jacky as kg01018  I've learned a lot from A- jet when in junior high  I was elated to find A-jet had become so strong  Is wonderful that I can keep join A-jet with you, hope we'll all have a good time!


++INTERSTING THINGS++  I'm interesting in doing music and writing songs  I joined a pop-band as a keyboard and a chamber flute group  sometimes we have unformal concerts at some places  welcome to visit us I like to play fighting video games and doing COSPLAY  It is all right if you don't know what Cosplay is,but if you know, I'll so happy to make friend with you