University of Illinois at Chicago STAR TAP Present/Future Applications: Enabling Grid Technologies and e-Science Advanced Applications Maxine Brown Co-Principal.


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Presentation transcript:

University of Illinois at Chicago STAR TAP Present/Future Applications: Enabling Grid Technologies and e-Science Advanced Applications Maxine Brown Co-Principal Investigator, STAR TAP Associate Director, Electronic Visualization Laboratory

University of Illinois at Chicago EVL VR &Tele-Immersion Display Devices Large Rooms and Shared Environments CAVE®ImmersaDesk2® Introduced CAVE in 1992~600 Projection VR devices in 2001

University of Illinois at Chicago Tele-Immersion Networking

University of Illinois at Chicago Tele-Immersion and CAVERNsoft Tele-Immersion requires expertise in graphics, VR, audio/video compression, networking, databases Rapidly build new tele- immersive applications Retro-fit old applications CAVERNsoft enables applications!

University of Illinois at Chicago CAVERNsoft uses Grid Software The Grid is a global software development effort to enable the use of high-performance networks like Abilene (Internet2), APAN, SURFnet, etc. Grids are changing the way we do science and engineering: computation to large-scale data Grids are designed to schedule, allocate, authenticate and manage advanced networking, computing and collaboration services on [optical] networks.

University of Illinois at Chicago The Grid Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure I. Foster, C. Kesselman (editors), Morgan Kaufmann, 1999 ISBN chapters by expert authors including Andrew Chien, Jack Dongarra, Tom DeFanti, Andrew Grimshaw, Roch Guerin, Ken Kennedy, Paul Messina, Cliff Neuman, Jon Postel, Larry Smarr, Rick Stevens, and many others “A source book for the history of the future” -- Vint Cerf

University of Illinois at Chicago Today’s Information Infrastructure Network-centric: Simple, fixed end systems; few embedded capabilities; few services; no user- level quality of service O(10 6 ) nodes

University of Illinois at Chicago Tomorrow’s Information Infrastructure: Not Just “Fatter and More Reliable” Application-centric: Heterogeneous, mobile end- systems; many embedded capabilities; rich services; user-level quality of service QoS Resource Discovery Caching O(10 9 ) nodes

University of Illinois at Chicago iGrid 2000 at INET 2000 July 18-21, 2000, Yokohama, Japan STAR TAP International Grid Demonstrations

University of Illinois at Chicago Cyber Infrastructure NSF Computer and Information Science Directorate (CISE) NSF is proposing a “Cyber Infrastructure” initiative – fund a number of Major Research Equipment (MRE) facilities that require a similar distributed storage and networked computing information infrastructure. Large MRE projects are the result of strategic planning by the broad university research community. NSF FY 2001 Budget Request to Congress: $138,540,000.

University of Illinois at Chicago Earthscope NSF Major Research Equipment USArray: a dense array of high-capability seismometers to be deployed throughout the US to improve our resolution of the subsurface structure. San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD): a 4km- deep hole into the San Andreas fault zone close to the hypocenter of the 1966 M~6 Parkfield earthquake, to access a major active fault at depth To provide input to NSF’s Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) project that studies the response of the built environment to earthquakes. EarthScope: USArray and SAFOD $ 74.81M FY01-04 NSF support requested NSF, USGS, NASA Consortium EarthScope will bring real-time Earth Science data to our desktops, to provide unprecedented opportunities to unravel the structure, evolution, and dynamics of the North American continent, and to better understand earthquakes and fault systems, volcanoes and magmatic processes, and links between tectonics and surfical processes.

University of Illinois at Chicago Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation NSF Major Research Equipment Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) $ 81.8M FY01-04 NSF support requested Scoping study managed by NCSA; sponsored by NSF NEES will provide a networked, national resource of geographically-distributed, shared-use, next- generation, experimental research equipment installations, with tele-observation and tele-operation capabilities. NEES will shift the emphasis of earthquake engineering research from current reliance on physical testing to integrated experimentation, computation, theory, databases, and model-based simulation using input data from EarthScope and other sources. NEES will be a collaboratory – an integrated experimental, computational, communications, and curated repository system, developed to support collaboration in earthquake engineering research and education.

University of Illinois at Chicago Terascale Computing Systems NSF Major Research Equipment Terascale Computing Systems $ 136M FY00-02 NSF support requested Distributed Terascale System to be awarded in June 2001; PSC Terascale awarded 2000 As part of the ITR initiative, the Terascale project enables US researchers to gain access to leading-edge computing capabilities. The project is aligned with NSF’s Partnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI) initiative, and is coordinated with other agencies, such as DOE, to leverage the software, tools, and technology investments. The two Terascale Computing Systems will receive regular upgrades to take advantage of technology trends in speed and performance while providing the most advanced, stable systems possible to the research users.

University of Illinois at Chicago 10 geographically distributed observatories nationwide to serve as national research platforms for integrated, cutting-edge research in field biology To enable scientists to conduct experiments on ecological systems at all levels of biological organization – from molecular genetics to whole ecosystems, and across scales – from seconds to geological time, and from microns to regions and continents. Observatories will have scalable computation capabilities and will be networked via satellite and landlines – to each other and to specialized facilities, such as supercomputer centers. By creating one virtual installation via a cutting-edge computational network, all members of the field biology research community will be able to access NEON remotely. National Ecological Observatory Network NSF Major Research Equipment National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) $ 100M FY01-06 NSF support requested 10 observatories nationwide; sponsored by NSF, Archbold Biological Station and SDSC

University of Illinois at Chicago Atacama Large Millimeter Array NSF Major Research Equipment Prior to developing ALMA, the US conceived the MMA as an aperture-synthesis radio telescope operating in the wavelength range from 3 to 0.4 mm. ALMA will be the world’s most sensitive, highest resolution, millimeter-wavelength telescope. It will combine an angular resolution comparable to that of the Hubble Space Telescope with the sensitivity of a single antenna nearly 100 meters in diameter. ALMA will consist of no less than meter antennas located at an elevation of 16,400 feet in Llano de Chajnantor, Chile Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), an expanded Millimeter Array (MMA) $ 32M FY98-01 NSF support requested for Design and Development US: National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Associated Universities, Inc. with NSF funding Europe: European Southern Observatory, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Max-Planck- Gesellschaft, Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy and Nederlandse Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie, and the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council

University of Illinois at Chicago Construction of two detectors of the LHC: ATLAS (A Toroidal Large Angle Spectrometer) and CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) The research, design, and prototyping of Petascale Virtual Data Grids, which will support the LHC as well as the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) and LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory), is being carried out by GriPhyN, a multi- institutional team that received the largest NSF ITR grant in FY00. Large Hadron Collider NSF Major Research Equipment Large Hadron Collider (LHC) $ 80.9M FY99-04 NSF support requested CERN (Switzerland) and international Consortium

University of Illinois at Chicago Grid Physics Network Team of physicists and computer scientists who plan to implement Petascale Virtual Data Grids (PVDGs) computational environments for data-intensive science Four physics experiments – CMS, ATLAS, LIGO, SDSS – share common challenges: massive datasets, large-scale computational resources and diverse communities of thousands of scientists spread across the globe –The LHC CMS and ATLAS experiments will search for the origins of mass and probe matter at the smallest length scales –LIGO will detect the gravitational waves of pulsars, supernovae and in-spiraling binary stars –SDSS will carry out an automated sky survey enabling systematic studies of stars, galaxies, nebula, and large-scale structure GriPhyN estimates 20 Tier 2 sites (6 CMS, 6 ATLAS, 5 LIGO and 2 SDSS), with a projected five-year cost of ~$85M-90M, half of which is for hardware SDSS – Apache Point Observatory, Cloudcroft, New Mexico LIGO Livingston Observatory, Louisiana (Caltech/MIT project) Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) $ 11.9M FY00 NSF for R&D Development (largest ITR award) Led by Univ Florida and Univ Chicago; includes US institutions

University of Illinois at Chicago

Future Directions of the US National Science Foundation’s Division of Advanced Networking Infrastructure & Research Tom Greene National Science Foundation