UpVideo.tv - Global Warming Cartoon. What is a carbon footprint?  It is a measurement of the emissions given off by a person and their lifestyle. 


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Presentation transcript:

UpVideo.tv - Global Warming Cartoon

What is a carbon footprint?  It is a measurement of the emissions given off by a person and their lifestyle.  Your carbon footprint is a measurement of how much CO2 you produce each year. There are ways to calculate it and there are always ways to reduce it.

A carbon footprint is "the total set of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event or product". For simplicity of reporting, it is often expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent of other GHGs, emitted.

Greenhouses Gases Greenhouse gases are made out of:  water vapour  carbon dioxide  methane  nitrous oxide  ozone  chlorofluorocarbons They are all natural gases, but extra greenhouses gases can be made by humans polluting.

How to calculate YOURS! There is many ways of how you can do this you can complete it by going onto websites.  Here it will ask you a series of questions about your lifestyle.  It will then give you a number or an answer to how bad your carbon footprint is.  It may then give you some tips of how to change  A good website for students to use is culator.php?

What one student uses… This website also gives you useful simple tips on how to reduce yours

Impact on Humans  Like all living things, humans exploit their surroundings for resources. The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening

 non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up rapidly  raw materials are being used up rapidly  more waste is being produced  more pollution is being caused

How to reduce your Carbon Footprint?  Turn things off when not in use (lights, television, DVD player, Wi Fi, computers etc.  Turn down the heating slightly (try just 1 to 2 degrees C). Just 1 degree will help reduce your heating bill by about 8%.  Turn down the water heating setting (just 2 degrees will make a significant saving)

 Check the central heating timer setting - remember there is no point heating the house after you have left for school  Fill your dish washer and washing machine with a full load - this will save you water, electricity, and washing powder  Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need  Do your weekly shopping in a single trip  Hang out the washing to dry rather than tumble drying it

1.If what melts will water levels rise?If what melts will water levels rise? Polar ice caps polar ice shirts polar ice men 2. What size do polar ice caps have to be to count as ice caps ? Under 30,000 km²Under 30,000 km² under 50,000 km² under 350,000 km²under 50,000 km² under 350,000 km² 3.How many years do you think global warming will take to affect us? 100 years later100 years later Now 10 years laterNow10 years later 4. What artic animal might be extinct in 20 years due to ice caps melting? Polar bearsPolar bears Penguins Artic FoxPenguinsArtic Fox