H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS1 H1 / ZEUS data consistency α β=0.56,x IP = β=0.018,x IP = Q2Q2 (β, x IP ) bins, where there is a tension between H1 HERA2 and ZEUS LPS2 data
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS2 H1 / ZEUS hadron energy scale H1 had scale uncertainty is (+) at β>0.1 and (-) at β<0.1, its abs value is comparable with H1 stat+unc uncertainty σ(H1) / σ(ZEUS)>1 at β>0.1 and <1 at β<0.1 Combination fit shifts H1 data ↓ at β>0.1 and ↑ at β<0.1, i.e. opposite to H1 had scale uncertainty ZEUS stat+unc uncertainty is much larger than had energy scale uncertainty
H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS3 H1 / ZEUS hadron energy scale Result of H1 HERA2 + ZEUS LPS2 combination fit δ shift δ reduction 1 HadEn1_h Ehscale_zeus toy simulation of random data to reproduce abs values of H1 and ZEUS stat+unc and had energy scale uncertainties + implement artificial shift of random data at +1δ for H1 and -1δ for ZEUS Result of combination fit for random data which reproduce H1 and ZEUS uncertainties δ shift δ reduction 1 rndm_h rndm_zeus