Module2 Unit2 By: Yu Yanhua. Learning goals: By the end of this lesson, we will have a better understanding of the article; use the new words and phrases.


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Presentation transcript:

Module2 Unit2 By: Yu Yanhua

Learning goals: By the end of this lesson, we will have a better understanding of the article; use the new words and phrases properly; be able to express our thoughts on travel topics; be able to make a leaflet in cooperation and present it before class

I. Warm-up questions Which travel destinations have you been to? Which place do you want to visit most? Why?

Let’s enjoy pictures of the travel leaflet about Shangri-la.

Mountains which are covered with snow tower over the land.

sunshine reflects on the lake

home to many birds and animals

People live in perfect harmony with nature.

II. Vocabulary and expressions: 1. 一个神奇美丽的地方 2. 沿 … 高速一路向北行驶 3. 固定航班 4. 人间天堂 5. 河流交汇 6. 耸入云霄 7. 永葆青春 8. 正式得名为 … 9 让你无法用言语形容 10. 和大自然和睦相处 1. a place of mystery and beauty 2. drive north along … highway 3. regular flights 4. heaven on earth 5. rivers join together 6. reach to the sky 7. stay young forever 8. officially take the name of 9. leave you at a loss for words 10. live in perfect harmony with nature

III. Reading comprehension Part 1 brief i___________: to arouse ( 激 发 ) readers ’ curiosity about the place Part2 how to get to the place Where is Shangri-la? How can you get there? Part3 h______ and specialties( 特色 ) Who first talked about Shangri-la? What does the word Shangri-la mean in English? ntroduction istory James Hilton Heaven on earth

Part4 description of the s______ Find out the sentences that describe the beauty of Shangri-la. Paraphrase( 改述 ) ‘ leave you at a loss for words ’ in your own words. Part5 weather of the place What ’ s the weather like in Shangri-la? When is the best time to visit Shangri-la? Why? cenery III. Reading comprehension Three mountains... Below the moutains... Sheep, cattle and horses make you don ’ e know what to say... changes so quickly that people say you can experience four seasons in one day. spring and autumn; the temperature is at its mildest

Language Points

1….consider a trip to Shangri-la! (L3) consider 用法小结: v. ① 认为;以为 consider sb. (sth.) + (to be) / as + adj./n. consider that-clause ② 考虑 consider + n. consider doing sth. consider + 疑问词 + to do sth.

He considered studying further in Beijing University. He is considered to be the best person for the job. Have you considered how to solve this problem? 1.) 他考虑到北京大学进修。 2.) 他被认为是做这工作最合适的人选。 3.) 你有没有考虑过如何解决这问题。 Practice

2. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever. (Ll4) 1.) 一家工厂位于河的南部。 South of the river______________. 2.) 教室的后面坐着一些男生 At the back of the classroom _______________. lies a factory 表示地点方位的词放句首,句子完全倒装 ( 谓语 + 主语 ) sit some boys Practice

3.) On the wall of the classroom___ a map. A. is hang B. hang C. hung D. hangs 4.) In the dark forests___, some large enough to hold several English towns. A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand D B

3....the sunshine reflects on the many lakes, making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside.(L26) Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people. (L32) A 两句中的 making 表示自然的结果 Practice European football is played in 80 countries, ___ it the most popular sport in the world. A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

Group work: Making a travel leaflet of Suzhou. Steps: Planning Work in pairs to discuss the place you would like to visit most Collect enough information about climate, history, people, food, location, hotels, activities and sights. Preparing Decide what information to include in your leaflet and what to leave out. Collect photos and pictures to illustrate your leaflet. Producing Write sections about the place you would like to travel, add photos or pictures. Presenting Take turns presenting each section of your leaflet to your class.

A travel leaflet of Suzhou Location History People Food Tourist spots Climate 苏州物华天宝,人杰地灵,被誉为 “ 人间 天堂 ” ,素来以山水秀丽、园林典雅而闻 名天下,有 “ 江南园林甲天下,苏州园林 甲江南 ” 的美称,又因其小桥流水人家的 水乡古城特色,而有 “ 东方威尼斯 ” 美誉。 苏州自有文字记载以来的历史已有 4000 多年,公元前 514 年建城,中国重点风景 旅游城市,长三角重要经济中心,江苏 省第二大城市。苏州是江苏的经济、对 外贸易、工商业和物流中心,也是重要 的文化、艺术、教育和交通中心。


Presentation Time

V. Conclusion: What have I learnt in this class?

VI. Homework: My view on the tourism of Suzhou. (about 120 words) Exercises on Page.A3 English Weekly No.14
