Midtown Terrace Houston, Texas This former Days Inn provides 286 units of service enriched housing, and currently houses a 72 bed VIP Program as well as Permanent Housing for Disabled and transitional housing tenants. After all renovations are completed, the building will provide a larger scope entry-level residential treatment, transitional housing, permanent housing, and long term supportive housing for homeless veterans. A wide range of supportive service programs is coordinated by a variety of community-based partner agencies. Adjacent to this property is another building consisting of over 29,000 square feet and is utilized for support services along with other tenants designed to be beneficial to the resident veterans. Plans are underway to develop another 300+ units on the adjacent parcels.
Midtown Terrace Expansion Houston, Texas Architectural Rendering of proposed future 114 unit expansion
Midtown Terrace Expansion Houston, Texas Architectural Rendering of Travis Street Plaza, 192 unit expansion – LIHTC Application Pending
Midtown Terrace Houston, TX Programs in Operation Veterans in Progress (VIP) – 72 Beds PHD – 54 Units VASH – 43 Units MHMRA – Mental Health of Harris County – 20 Units Transitional Housing – 139 Units