OUR UNIQUE PLANET.  All of these global issues affect human populations locally and that are shared among diverse human societies within our global.


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Presentation transcript:


 All of these global issues affect human populations locally and that are shared among diverse human societies within our global community.

Vocabulary Terrorism, Immigration, Famine, Malnutrition, Racism, Pollution, Illiteracy

Malnutrition and Famine  Malnutrition is a general term for a condition caused by improper diet or nutrition, and can occur in conjunction with both under and over consumption of calories. Malnutrition  Famine is a widespread scarcity of food that may apply to any fauna species, which phenomenon is usually accompanied by regional malnutrition, starvation, epidemic, and increased mortality. Famine  Starvation describes a "state of exhaustion of the body caused by lack of food." This state may precede death. Starvation  Some 850 million people (one in eight of the world's population) go to bed hungry every night.850 million people  Such hunger is not due to a shortage of food – globally there is enough to go round and if (a big if) we make the right decisions now, we can continue to feed the world despite population growth and climate change. For example we can reduce the number of people that are starving by:  Not wasting food  Equal distribution of food (Obesity)  Every 6 seconds one kid dies of hunger.


Illiteracy around the world  Over 60% of adults in the US prison system read at or below the fourth grade level.  85% of US juvenile inmates are functionally illiterate.  Every year puplis in the UK leave school illiterate.  In the UK the prison population is some 85,000. More than three- quarters of them cannot read, write or count to the standard expected of an 11-year-old.  West Africa has the highest number of illiterates in the world according to a study.  Approximately 776 million adults – most of them women – have no secure command of the fundamentals of literacy and numeracy” whiles seventy-five million children are not in school. 

Poverty  Africa includes some of the poorest countries in the world. In much of Africa south of the Sahara, harsh environmental conditions exacerbate the conditions of poverty. Dry and barren land covers large expanses of this region. As the poor try to eke out livings through farming and other subsistence practices, they exhaust the land, using up the soil nutrients needed to grow crops.  Between 12 and 14 million African children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS. 64% of children in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have adequate sanitation. Nearly one third of children in Sub-Saharan Africa are underweight.  Slum-dwellers who make up a third of the world's urban population often live no better - if not worse - than rural people, a United Nations report says.  In Sub-Saharan Africa 72% of urban inhabitants live in slums rising to nearly 100% in some states.  In Latin America about 31% of urban people are classified as living in slums.  In the UK over 13 million of us live in poverty. That's one-in-five without enough to live on.  By 2013 there will be 3.1 million children in poverty in the UK.

How would you solve these issues………..? What would you do if you could make a difference?