Michigan Merit Examination ELA Assessment Analysis Presented by: Dr. Joan Livingston.


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Presentation transcript:

Michigan Merit Examination ELA Assessment Analysis Presented by: Dr. Joan Livingston

Introduce yourself to the group

Learning Targets for Today To gain an understanding of the Data Driven Dialogue Process & the Collaborative Learning Cycle To determine what the data is telling us To determine a plan of action for our schools based on what the data tells us

Talk with your team members…  What is your role with data?  Data is……..

Data Driven Dialogue A collective process designed to create a shared understanding of issues using information from different sources.

Why Data Driven Dialogue? A shifting focus: Teaching focus Learning focus Teaching as a private practice Teaching as a collaborative practice Accountability Responsibility School improvement as an option School improvement as a requirement

Collaborative Learning Cycle 1) Activating and Engaging 2) Exploring and Discovering 3) Organizing and Integrating

Activating and Engaging The first step of the Collaborative Inquiry Process Purpose: To surface our experiences and expectations for the data 1.No data to present 2.Make predictions about the data

1) Activating and Engaging 1.What are our underlying feelings about the data? 2.What are some predictions we are making? 3.With what assumptions are we entering? 4.What are some questions we are asking? 5.What are some possibilities for learning that this experience presents to us?

2) Exploring and Discovering Purpose: To analyze the data 1.Data is present 2.The word “because” is banned 3.It is not the time to explain 4.Group members distinguish, sort, classify, analyze, compare, and contrast while viewing the data set

Exploring and Discovering 1.What important points seem to “pop-out”? 2.What are some patterns, categories or trends that are emerging? 3.What seems to be surprising or unexpected? 4.What are some things we have not yet explored?

3) Organizing and Integrating Sort, classify, compare, and contrast while viewing the data set Organizes the transition to formal problem finding and problem solving setting the scene for detailed planning processes Purpose: To generate a theory of causes and actions 1.Likely causes are generated 2.These causes may lead to theories and action plans only if additional data confirm and clarify the original data source.

Organizing and Integrating 1.What inferences/explanations/conclusions might we draw? (causation) 2.What additional data sources might we explore to verify our explanations? (confirmation) 3.What are some solutions we might explore as a result of our conclusions? (action) 4.What data will we need to collect to guide implementation? (calibration)

MEAP Writing and School MME Writing Reports Writing Performance Levels  Levels 1 & 2 indicate proficient  Performance levels for each high school, district, and state for Subgroup data Standards comparison data

Exploring and Discovering Have a conversation about your “code” reactions to content of memo ! Surprises you had ? Questions you had  What you found interesting

Let’s dig into our data!

Exploring and Discovering/Organizing and Interpreting Here’s What!—Exploring and Discovering The data So What?—Exploring and Discovering The interpretation of the data Now What?—Organizing and Interpreting An implication, question or suggested next step(s)

Sharing our thoughts/plans

Back at your School…… 1.Meet in data analysis teams: As a school you could have a conversation of who should be on these teams 2.Make plans to facilitate data analysis at your school 3.Seek support of your CLASS A coach to access the data in CLASS A