Unit 3 Grammar Lesson I Future Plans.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Grammar Lesson I Future Plans

Future Plans In this lesson, we’ll learn how to use the verbs expect, hope, intend, or plan to make future plans. Read the following conversation in which you’ll take an active role: Your friend: Hello, (your name). Why do you have that question mark on your face? You: Well, it’s because I’m trying to figure out what plans I should make for my future life. Your friend: You mean like short-term and long-term goals? You: That’s right. For example, if I wanted to buy a house, when should that happen? In 5 years? 10? I really don’t know.

Future Plans Watch this structure! Your friend: Let me think. .. Well, buying a house definitely depends on the kind of money that you’re currently making. Having good savings is also important. You: That’s true. In fact, right now I have a low salary. But I’m trying to save as much as I can. Your friend: Looks like you’re really serious about buying a house. I think that if you continue putting money away in savings, sooner than you think you’ll be enjoying your new house. You: Yes. I plan to buy a house in approximately 10 years. Your friend: Good luck! You: Thanks. Watch this structure!

Future Plans The sentence is: I plan to buy a house in approximately 10 years. The speaker has just revealed his / her plan of buying a house in 10 years. Since now is 2010, hopefully in 2020 he / she will buy the house of his / her dreams. Let’s continue reading the conversation in the next slide.

Future Plans Your friend: My parents got married in 1961, but they didn’t buy their own house until my youngest sister was born. That was 15 years after they had gotten married. You: My parents had a similar experience. As a matter of fact, they’re still paying for their house. They’re almost done, though; but this is exactly why I want to keep on saving. Your friend: Just like my older sister Jane. She plans to have bought her house by 2018. She’s been saving for almost 5 years, and she’s only 8 years away from having enough money to buy the house she’s always wanted. Watch this structure!

Future Plans The previous sentence was: I plan to buy a house in approximately 10 years. This new sentence is: She plans to have bought her house by 2018. If you look closely, the verb plan comes right after the subject I and She. But in the new sentence, after the verb plan, the infinitive to have appears in order to introduce the verb buy – just like in the first sentence – but this time in the past participle form bought. This is what we call ‘the perfect form of an infinitive,’ whose grammar formula is: Subject + plan + to have + verb (past participle) Note: Other verbs, like expect, hope, and intend may also be used instead of plan.