Supporting evidence English Writing 2015/5/91. Why? To add credibility To imply that “I’m not the only one who thinks so. Many other people feel the same.


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Presentation transcript:

Supporting evidence English Writing 2015/5/91

Why? To add credibility To imply that “I’m not the only one who thinks so. Many other people feel the same too.” 22015/5/9

How? Quotations Citations 32015/5/9


What kind of quotations? Expert quotations. –Credibility and authority to be believed Words from your roommate are irrelevant /5/9

Direct vs. indirect quotations Direct quotations –“MIT is the best college in the world,” reported the Time magazine in April. Indirect quotations –The Time magazine in April reported that MIT is the best college in the world. 6

Forms & Punctuation of Quotations “ I love you, ” he said. “ I love you, ” he continued, “ but I hate your dog. ” He asked, “ Will you marry me? ” She replied, “ I don ’ t like you. ” “ In fact, I don ’ t even love you, ” she continued He asked, “ Why not? ” “ Because you hate my dog! ” she shouted /5/9 刪除文件樣本圖示並用已存在 之文件圖示取代的方法如下: 選取〔插入〕功能表中〔物件〕 指令 … 選取〔檔案來源〕 於檔案方塊中選取欲插入的檔 案名稱 確定〔以圖示顯示〕已經勾選 按下〔確定〕 選取圖示 選取〔投影片放映〕功能表中 〔動作設定〕指令 選取〔物件動作〕並進行設定 按 下〔確定〕

Always ‘say’? Words to ‘say’ –Comment, confirm, report, announce, mention, remark, state, assert, imply, assume, presume, guess, point out, note, notice, observe, explain, show, indicate, believe Expressions to ‘say’ –According to, based on, as stated by, as believed by, in the light of, on the report of /5/9

Add information about the source of quotation If the source is a person, show the identity and status of the person –“The college tuition in the U.S. is going up at 5% a year,” said John Smith, a professor of Business Management at UCLA /5/9

If the source is an organization, describe the organization. –70 percent of youth aged who died in accidents were not wearing seat belts, said the report released by the Automobile Safety, a non-profit group financed by insurance companies. –Aroma, the most popular website of coffee, predicts that the Age of Empire III will be a hit on the game market in October /5/9


What citations? You use the results of scientific reports or surveys to support your arguments /5/9

Heart patients, especially those with high blood pressure, are often told to avoid caffeine, a known stimulant. But an analysis of 10 studies of more than 400,000 people found no increase in heart disease among daily coffee drinkers, whether their coffee came with caffeine or not. “Contrary to common belief,” concluded cardiologists at the University of California, San Francisco, there is “little evidence that coffee and/or caffeine in typical dosages increases the risk” of heart attack, sudden death or abnormal heart rhythms. In fact, among 27,000 women followed for 15 years in the Iowa Women’s Health Study, those who drank one to three cups a day reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by 24 percent, although this benefit diminished as the quantity of coffee rose /5/9

Caffeine induces a small, temporary rise in blood pressure. But in a study of 155,000 nurses, women who drank coffee with or without caffeine for a decade were no more likely to develop hypertension than noncoffee drinkers. However, a higher risk of hypertension was found from drinking colas. A Johns Hopkins study that followed more than 1,000 men for 33 years found that coffee drinking played little overall role in the development of hypertension.blood pressure /5/9