Graph Theory ITEC 320 Lecture 21. Graph Theory Review Higher level usage of pointers –Factories –Flyweight –Disk pool Rationale Benefits / Downsides.


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Presentation transcript:

Graph Theory ITEC 320 Lecture 21

Graph Theory Review Higher level usage of pointers –Factories –Flyweight –Disk pool Rationale Benefits / Downsides

Graph Theory Outline Rationale Definition Methods of implementation Algorithms

Graph Theory Cell phones How do they work (communication side)

Graph Theory Cell Networks

Graph Theory Other scenarios Computer networks Google maps Facebook friends Gaming

Graph Theory Rationale How do you model a cell phone network on a computer? Why would you want to simulate a cell phone network?

Graph Theory Graphs Composed of vertices and edges Vertices –Represent an object in a graph Edges –A connection between two vertices

Graph Theory Variations Weighted graph –Toll road –Hotel cost –Identifiers Possible usage scenarios?

Graph Theory Methods of implementation Arrays Pointers Benefits of each approach Downsides of each approach

Graph Theory Code Should we use a package? What about generics?

Graph Theory Searching How do you find information in a graph? Destination Start

Graph Theory Breadth first For each node I am connected to –Is this the node I’m looking for? If I didn’t find it –For each node I am connected to Call breadth first search on it

Graph Theory Depth first If I am the node searched for, stop and return For each node I am connected to –Call depth first search on that node

Graph Theory Issues What are some of the issues that might happen with searching? How do you implement each way? –Stacks / Recursion / Packages / ?

Graph Theory More How do you pick the best path? –Lowest cost –Highest cost –Cover all points with least overlap

Graph Theory Summary Rationale for graph theory Approach Finding algorithms