What and what not to do..  These devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used.


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Presentation transcript:

What and what not to do.

 These devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes.  If a student uses a telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated. The student may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the principal’s office.

 In some cases, students may find it beneficial or might be encouraged to use personal telecommunications or other personal electronic devices for instructional purposes while on campus.  When students are not using the devices for approved instructional purposes, all devices must be turned off during the instructional day.

 Use of these technological resources, which include the district’s network systems and use of district equipment, is restricted to approved purposes only. Students and parents will be asked to sign a user agreement (separate from this handbook) regarding use of these district resources. Violations of the user agreement may result in withdrawal of privileges and other disciplinary action.

 Students are prohibited from possessing, sending, forwarding, posting, accessing, or displaying electronic messages that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. This prohibition also applies to conduct off school property, whether the equipment used to send such messages is district- owned or personally owned, if it results in a substantial disruption to the educational environment.

 Computer Access Only students who have been authorized by the District are permitted to use a District computer or personal technology devices to access any local network or outside telecommunications resources such as the Internet. Prior to such authorization, the student and the student’s parent must sign and return the District Acceptable Use Policy Form acknowledging their responsibilities and the consequences of violation.  Assumption of risk Students who bring their own devices to school do so at their own risk. Neither the school nor the district may be held liable for loss, theft or damage to personal property.

 Common areas of the school include the cafeteria, library, and hallways. Students may use devices prior to the beginning of the school day in the cafeteria and the library. During the school day personal technology may ONLY be used in the classroom when instructed by school staff.  Use of personal technology during classroom instruction is prohibited except when used as an aid to instruction at the discretion of the classroom teacher or building administrator. A disruption to the environment shall be determined by the teacher and/or administrator.  Students may only access files on the device or through Internet sites, which are relevant to the classroom curriculum.  Students are expected to “power off” devices when directed by the classroom instructor or by an administrator.  Students are expected to connect to the Internet through the filtered LISD Guest network and not bypass the filters.  All technology devices should generally be muted while in use at school. Headphones may be used while working in the classroom in the event that the access to sound is imperative.  Personal music devices may be used before and after school and in the classroom only with teacher permission.  At times that are appropriate for the use of personal music devices, students should have only one ear bud in or one side of the headphones covering an ear at all times. Students must be able to hear directions from school staff, especially at times of emergency.

 All devices must be fully charged prior to arrival at school and devices must operate on their battery while at school.  In any area of the school, at any time that is designated as “power off” students are expected to turn off their personal technology devices and put them away in a safe and secure place until the direction to “power on” is given.  All test or quiz situations are “power off” times.  The Advisory period will always be a “power off” time. Exceptions may be made by individual teachers in the various Advisory locations. Students may go to a teacher’s classroom with the proper hall pass to complete work requiring a technology device  Many technological devices have the capability of taking photographs, recording voices and videos. The LISD Student Code of Conduct and Texas State Law establish very clear boundaries for the use of tools with these capabilities.

 All emergency procedures including fire drills, severe weather drills, lock-down drills, and procedures implemented in the event of an actual emergency are specifically “power off” times from the inception of the event. Students are NOT to attempt to contact law enforcement, fire officials, or parents for any reason whatsoever during the course of these events. An excessive amount of incoming calls will grid lock the emergency responder system and block out school officials that need to have direct access to these people. The school has clearly defined and well-practiced emergency procedures, all of which include steps for informing parents and allowing access to students once the immediate needs of the student body have been addressed and students are all accounted for and secure.  In the event a student is feeling ill, they are to report to the Nurse in the school’s Health Room; under no circumstances are they to make direct contact with parents and ask to be picked up from school or have meds delivered. We are asking parents who might receive such a communication to direct your child to the Health Room; be assured that our school nurse will be in contact about the situation. Absences resulting from a student being signed out of school due to illness without clearance from the school nurse will be unexcused absences.

 Students must only open, view, modify, and delete their own computer files.  Internet use at school must be directly related to school assignments and projects.  Students will be assigned individual and network accounts and must use only those accounts and passwords that they have been granted permission by the district to use. All account activity should be for educational purposes only.  Students must immediately report threatening messages or discomforting Internet files/sites to a teacher.  Students must at all times use the district’s electronic communications system, including , wireless network access, and Web 2.0 tools/resources to communicate only in ways that are kind and respectful.  Students are responsible at all times for their use of the district’s electronic communications system and must assume personal responsibility to behave ethically and responsibly, even when technology provides them freedom to do otherwise.

 Using the district’s electronic communications system for illegal purposes including, but not limited to, cyber bullying, gambling, pornography, and computer hacking.  Disabling or attempting to disable any system monitoring or filtering or security measures.  Sharing user names and passwords with others; and/or borrowing someone else’s username, password, or account access.  Purposefully opening, viewing, using or deleting files belonging to another system user without permission.  Electronically posting personal information about one’s self or others (i.e., addresses, phone numbers, and pictures.)  Downloading or plagiarizing copyrighted information without permission from the copyright holder.  Intentionally introducing a virus or other malicious programs onto the district’s system.  Electronically posting messages or accessing materials that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal.

Cyber bullying is defined as the use of any Internet-connected device for the purpose of bullying, harassing, or intimidating another student. This includes, but may not be limited to:  Sending abusive text messages to cell phones, computers, or Internet-connected game consoles.  Posting abusive comments on someone’s blog or social networking site  Creating a social networking site or web page that masquerades as the victim’s personal site and using it to embarrass him or her.  Making it appear that the victim is posting malicious comments about friends to isolate him or her from friends.  Posting the victim’s personally identifiable information on a site to put them at greater risk of contact by predators.  Sending abusive comments while playing interactive games.  Taking photos--often using a cell phone camera--and posting them online, sometimes manipulating them to embarrass the target.

 Appropriate disciplinary or legal action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and applicable laws including monetary damages.  Suspension of access to the district’s electronic communications system.  Revocation of the district’s electronic communications system account(s); and/or  Termination of System User Account: The district may deny, revoke, or suspend specific user’s access to the district’s system with or without cause or notice for lack of use, violation of policy or regulations regarding acceptable network use, or as a result of disciplinary actions against the user.  Possible criminal action.