Organization of a story Beginning Ⅱ.Conflict Ⅲ.Climax Ⅳ.Conclusion
Organization of a story ☞ Every Day Is a New Opportunity ☺ Ⅰ.Beginning: What happened on an October night,2004 ? Ⅱ.Conflict: What happened before the Red Sox playing the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series ? How was the “curse” broken ? Ⅲ.Climax: What is the story of the “Curse” ? Ⅳ.Conclusion: What did we learn from this story ?
Ⅰ.Beginning ♠ Topic sentence: After an eighty-six-year wait, the Red Sox had finally won the World Series Championship. ♠ When? An October night in 2004 ♠ Where? Busch Stadium ♠ Who? The Boston Red Sox vs. the St. Louis Cardinals ♠ What happened? The Red Sox won four games in a row, and returned home with the glory of the World Series Championship.
Ⅱ.Conflict ♠ Topic sentence: No team had ever won a series by losing the first three games and winning the last four since the league was established. ♠ When? Before the Red Sox playing the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series. ♠ Who? The Red Sox vs. the New York Yankees. ♠ What happened? The Red Sox lost the first three games but won all of the last four.
Ⅱ. C o n f l i c t ♠ Why was the victory impressive? The victory was impressive because it was unheard-of in the history of MLB. ♣ The impact: The “curse,” which had kept the Red Sox from the final victory for more than eighty years, was finally broken! ♣ How was the curse broken? The Red Sox won the championship in the World Series.
Ⅲ.Climax ♠ Topic sentence: The curse has a story which is about why Red Sox never won the World Series championship for eight-six years. ♠ Who? Babe Ruth, one of the greatest baseball players in the history of Major League Baseball. ♠ Why? He was traded by the Red Sox to the Yankees.
Ⅲ. C l i m a x ♠ When? In 1920 ♠ What happened? A curse Babe Ruth put a curse on the Red Sox that stopped Red Sox from winning any World Series. ♣ Why & How: They kept their faith and waited for eight-six years. In the end, they proved it to be worth it.
Ⅳ.Conclusion ♠ What did we learn from this story? ☞ Bob Feller once said, “Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again.”
工作分配 ♠ Beginning :嘉柔 ♠ Conflict :慶怡 ( 蝴蝶 ) ♠ Climax :奕彤 ♠ Conclusion :婉如 ♠ PPT :怡君 ( 瑪蘭 ) -The End