Https:// Assignments: -Flat Stanley test signed -What’s in your haunted house? -wkbk p. 87 -ALT: What’s in your bedroom?


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Presentation transcript:

Assignments: -Flat Stanley test signed -What’s in your haunted house? -wkbk p. 87 -ALT: What’s in your bedroom? (real or made-up) Bellwork: Please write the basic pattern for describing the location of an objects (the one you’ll use to give an answer on your flat stanley test

Assignments: -Flat Stanley test signed -What’s in your haunted house? -wkbk p. 87 -ALT: What’s in your bedroom? (real or made-up) Bellwork: おばけやしきの中に 何がありますか。 Goal: I will understand the difference between the “where” location pattern and the “what” location pattern

Assignments: -Flat Stanley test signed -What’s in your haunted house? -wkbk p. 87 -ALT: What’s in your bedroom? (real or made-up) Bellwork: Indicate the number and correct counter 1) two (mad) dogs 2) three bats 3) four ghosts 4) 5 (self-animated) cars 5) 10 skeletons (??) (がいこつ) Goal: I will be comfortable asking for multiples of items after my counter shopping trip

Assignments: Due today! -Flat Stanley test signed -What’s in your haunted house? -wkbk p. 87 -ALT: What’s in your bedroom? (real or made-up) Bellwork: (あなたの)の家はど うですか? 1)広いですか。 2)古いですか。 3)ガレージがありますか。 4)学校から近いですか。 Goal: I will be able to combine the new counters with the “what” pattern in spoken or writen form

Bellwork: Translate to English 1)一番のへや(の中)に何 がありますか。 2)こうもりが三匹 * います。 3)がいこつが二体います。 4)かいぶつが一匹 * います。 *Remember 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 change 斧(おの)杭(くい) 刀 バンパイア ダレック ターミネータ ゾンビ Goal: I will be able to comfortably describe the items located inside my haunted house. Assignments: Due today! -Flat Stanley test signed -What’s in your haunted house? -wkbk p. 87 -ALT: What’s in your bedroom? (real or made-up)