Avec ce diaporama, tu vas apprendre à parler de ce que tu fais : en ce moment aujourd’hui maintenant... Let’s go..


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Presentation transcript:

Avec ce diaporama, tu vas apprendre à parler de ce que tu fais : en ce moment aujourd’hui maintenant... Let’s go..

What is she doing now ? She’s cooking

What is she doing now ? She’s having breakfast

She’s brushing her teeth She/brush What is she doing now ?

What is he doing now ? He /cycle He’s cycling

They ‘re eating They / eat What are they doing at the moment ?

What is Djamal doing now? he’s jumping he /jump

What is she do ing ? She ’s making the bed She/make the bed What…. she do..… ? What is she do..… ?

What ___they do___ ? They’re skating they / skate What are they do___ ?What are they doing ?

What’s he doing at the moment ? he ’s driving he / drive

What’s Bella …….. ? She’s skateboarding She / skateboard What’s Bella doing ?

What’s this girl doing ? She’s stretching She / stretch

What ____________? They’re walking are they doing They / walk

And now… let’s try without help

She’s drinking. What’s she drinking ? She’s drinking coke What’s she doing at the moment?

What’s he doing ? He’s writing ………………..……………..?

What’s he doing ? he’s climbing

What’s he doing now ? He’s running after the ball He’s playing football

What’s she doing at the moment? She’s listening to music

What’s he doing now ? He’s playing the piano

What’s he doing at the moment? He’s going back home

What’s the baby doing He’s sleeping just now ?

What are they doing this evening? They’re watching tv

What are they doing now ?

What are you doing now ? What are we doing ? We’re working

Présent BE+ing pour parler de ce que je fais - en ce moment = at the moment - maintenant = now aujourd’hui = today

I ‘m You ‘re He ’s She ’s It ‘s We ‘re You ‘re They ’re Recap playing

I ‘m You ‘re He ’s She ’s It ‘s We ‘re You ‘re They ’re Sujet + Aux + not + Bv + ING not playing

AM I Are you IS he Is she IS it Are we Are you Are they Aux + Sujet +BV+ING ? playing ?