Data & Accountability DPI Career & Technical Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Data & Accountability DPI Career & Technical Education

Agenda CTE Data & Accountability Welcome & Introductions Jen Wegner Vision of CTE Data & Accountability Sharon Wendt Time to Interact Network with colleagues Create Your Data Story Jeff Hicken & Brent Kindred Lunch Tim to Interact with colleagues 9:00 a.m. CTEERS Accountability Sharon Wendt & Don Vedder 9:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Break 11:15 a.m. Noon

Importance of CTE Data Local School District (student, classroom, school, district) Multiple ways to measure successful outcomes for students WKCE, School Performance Report Student Surveys CTSO involvement Technical Skill Assessments Enrollment Trends Non-traditional Student Participation CTE Concentrator outcomes Who uses CTE Data and How can this data be collected?

Importance of CTE Data State Policy Makers State Superintendent’s Strategic Planning Efforts Increasing Graduation rates Closing achievement gaps Ensuring graduates are college and career ready Wisconsin College & Workforce Readiness Council Legislators State and Federal Perkins Accountability Who uses CTE Data?

Importance of CTE Data Federal Policy Makers Obama Administration’s Blueprint for CTE Association for Career & Technical Education National Association for State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium Who uses CTE Data?

CURRENT PERKINS Limited provisions to encourage high quality CTE programs No requirements for states to work with workforce and economic development agencies to identify areas of focus for CTE programs. Clear Expectations for High-quality programming A more active role for states: States could identify the in- demand occupations in high growth industry sectors. PROPOSED REFORMS CTE Blueprint - Alignment

CURRENT PERKINS Separate funding for secondary and post secondary No clear way for employers, industry, and labor to engage in CTE program implementation. No leveraging of private in-kind or cash resources to share program expenses. Consortia Funding to ensure secondary and post-secondary institutions. Private Sector Match. PROPOSED REFORMS CTE Blueprint - Collaboration

CURRENT PERKINS Funds distributed to local recipients by formula States define participation and accountability measures differently. No mechanism to reward high performing local recipients Within-state competitions to distribute funds to consortia. Common definitions to strengthen data systems and close equity Gaps for participation. Incentives for High Performance PROPOSED REFORMS CTE Blueprint - Accountability

CURRENT PERKINS State’s role in creating the conditions for high-quality CTE programs to thrive is unclear. Formula funding supports too many purposes and limited reserve funding. Ensure that states have in place the policies and systems to support programs at the local level. A competitive CTE Innovation and Transformation Fund PROPOSED REFORMS CTE Blueprint - Innovation

ACTE’s Guiding Principles Redefine the Federal Role of CTE Ensure that all students have access of high quality CTE programs Target Expenditures Fewer uses of funds and maintain Formula funding Define Program Quality Elements - to improve student outcomes Ensure Relevant and Consistent Data Rely on available data Use State longitudinal data systems Offer Incentives of Innovation Provide Infrastructure support Continue focus on research and evaluation for CTE

NASDCTEc (CTE State Directors Assn.) Who uses CTE Data?

CTEERS - Foundation for CTE Data Most of the CTE data and information for the state of Wisconsin is found in CTEERS.

Composite Enrollment Report Due July 15 Graduate Follow-up Report Due May 1 of the following year CTEERS Basic Facts District Profile Accountability

CTEERS Data Universe of Students 11 th 12 th 13 th CTE Participants CTE Concentrators

A CTE Concentrator is……. 1. A student that has successfully completed a minimum of 2 CTE courses within their chosen pathway and is enrolled in a third CTE course during the reporting year. OR 2. A student that has completed at least 3 CTE courses within their chosen pathway throughout their secondary education experience. OR 3. Defined by the secretary or IT staff person completing the CTEERS report.

A CTE Concentrator is……. A student that has successfully completed a minimum of 2 CTE courses within their chosen pathway and is enrolled in a third CTE course during the reporting year.

A CTE Concentrator Completer is……. A student that has completed at least 3 CTE courses in their chosen pathway and has graduated. Question: Are all students that complete at least 3 CTE courses in their chosen pathway considered concentrator completers? Answer: No. They must also graduate.

A CTE Concentrator Question: How many CTE credits must a CTE Concentrator complete in order to be a concentrator? Answer: Concentrators are determined by “courses” not credits. Some CTE Concentrators will have earned 1 credit for 2 courses and be enrolled in their 3 rd course for a total of 1.5 credits. If schools have year long courses the students may end up with more credits.

Data in CTEERS Look at the 2011 CTEERS Career Plan on File Chart. – (Page 1) What do you notice? What do you wonder? Students with Career Plans

Data in CTEERS Look at the Post_Secondary Intent by Year Chart (Page 3). What do you notice? What do you wonder? Student’s Post Secondary Plans

Data in CTEERS Look at the % CTE Concentrators from Reporting Universe by Year Chart (page 4). DISCUSS: What practices at the local level can ensure that all CTE Concentrators are identified? Number of CTE Concentrators

Technical Education High School Diploma

Technical Education Diploma 2011 Wisconsin Act 156 permits a school board to grant a technical education high school diploma to a pupil who does all of the following: 1. Satisfies the credit requirements and earns the number of credits for high school graduation as established by statute and the school board. 2. Successfully completes a technical education program, established by the school board, in one or more subjects. Requirements

Technical Education Diploma The Act provides that, in establishing a technical education program, the school board may incorporate standards for industry-recognized certifications. Annually, the Department of Public Instruction must provide a list of such certifications to each school board operating high school grades. The school board must indicate on a pupil’s technical education high school diploma the certifications attained by the pupil. Requirements

Technical Education Diploma If a pupil has an individualized education plan (IEP) that indicates a goal of a technical education high school diploma, the IEP must specify the course of study that the pupil must take to attain that goal. Requirements