The Blueprint Your SIP (School Improvement Plan) A living, breathing, document.


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Presentation transcript:

The Blueprint Your SIP (School Improvement Plan) A living, breathing, document

Today’s Meet As we work today, if you have any questions, please type them at today’s meet for the presenter to see

To access today’s agenda and documents Leadership Learning Opportunities Professional Leadership Learning Network (PLN) December 11

Polycom Etiquette and Roles Please set your phones to mute We will give breaks to take time to check s Microphone is extremely sensitive--mute microphone when you are not talking or when presenter is not speaking Limit sidebars Use your normal tone of voice Be aware of allowing wait time when people talk between sites

Norms for the Day Ask questions Engage fully Integrate new information Be open to different perspectives Utilize what you learn

LEARNING TARGETS Use tools to self assess and revise: – Parts A, B, C of SIP – “Look Fors” of SIP Connect our Readings to our Work

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can use tools to self assess and revise: – Parts A, B, C of SIP – “Look Fors” of SIP I can connect our Readings to our Work

Learning is the work: Overview

What peaked your curiosity from November 13

What you wondered about from November 13

Suggestions to Improve your Experience in this PLN session

Understanding Goals, Strategies, Action Steps

If we do the following… Key Actions Focus on Learning Develop and use Norms in our Data Teams Apply PLC Processes for Adult Learning Develop the Purpose of each PLC Key Actions Conduct focused Implementation studies Create Systems for Monitoring the Work Walkthroughs with Feedback Focused PD Plan Document all PD Create and Use Data Binders Sample Professional Learning Sample Instructional Leadership Key Strategies Use Mentor Texts for Reading and Writing Use Small Group Instruction techniques Practice close Reading Model Rigorous and Focused Mini Lessons Sample Instruction Sample: Theory of Action Template … then we will impact the Core Learning in these ways… Expected Impact on Learning Focused Instruction Focused Response to Student Needs Interventions as needed Expected Impact on Learning Informs system progress Informs needs for PD Informs individual progress Strengthens instruction Reflect Current Reality vs. Desired State Determine Impact of the Work Expected Impact on Learning Leverage application to other areas Get them Ready for learning in other areas Creating Endurance Leverage for future application Readiness to Learn the next …and we will reach our learning goals! Growth in Application and Transfer of the Strategy Growth and Application of the Instruction Growth in what to look for in Application Growth in Feedback and Coaching …and we will reach our learning goals! Growth in Application and Transfer of the Strategy Growth and Application of the Instruction Growth in what to look for in Application Growth in Feedback and Coaching 14

BREAK We will start again promptly in 15 minutes

Understanding Goals, Strategies, Action Steps

Motion Leadership Chapter 3: Change Itself Jigsaw

Homework for Next Time: January 29 session (9-Noon) Go back in district and talk to leadership team about what you’ve done so far with your work with PLN. Be ready to share when you come back of how this focus in our work is impacting how you do business back in district. Send us your revisions of Plans and include your look fors. Give Participants Structured meeting sheet that was shared with Superintendents.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can use tools to self assess and revise: – Parts A, B, C of SIP – “Look Fors” of SIP I can connect our Readings to our Work

EXIT SURVEY Reflect on the day and provide feedback on today’s work. Go to:

THANK YOU! This is not easy work, but stay the course! Rome was not built in a day… and either will your School Improvement Plan!

Professional Learning Impact DependentTransitioningIndependent Building Initial Knowledge bring in gurus, consultants, initial research (Won’t see transfer in the classroom yet) Day to Day Coaching and Feedback from Consultants (Will see a some transfer) Job embedded PL Action Research Peer Groups/Peer Coach Lesson Study Study Groups (technology) Specific Protocols Walkthroughs and Coaching (Will see systematic transfer)

Training Components and Attainment of Outcomes Figure 6.1 From Chapter 6 Align the Design Joyce and Showers Components Knowledge (Thorough) Skill ( Strong) Transfer (Implementation) Study of Theory Gurus, Experts, Authors, Consultants 10% get a thorough Knowledge 5% get strong skill 0% make the transfer with this model of PD Demonstration Consultants 30% get a thorough Knowledge 20% get strong skill 0% make the transfer with this model of PD Practice Consultants 60% get a thorough Knowledge 60% get strong skill 5% make the transfer with this model of PD Peer Coaches and District Coordinators, Peers 95% get a thorough Knowledge 95% get strong skill95% make the transfer with this model of PD

Professional Learning Resource Management Figure 6.2 Chapter 6 Align the Design Gurus, Experts, Authors -Keynote Speakers -1-2 Hour Conference -½ day Seminar -Onsite Visitation with teaching and feedback Consultants - Overview Presenter with Large Group -Follow up Presenter with Large Group -Small Group Facilitation -Small Group Discussion -Performs walkthroughs with Principals and Coaches -Provides Feedback and Coaching for Principals and Teachers -Models and Demonstrates in the Classroom Coaches and District Coordinators - Provides continuous on-site feedback on implementation -Conducts reflective conversations with teachers -Oversees collaborative planning and support and facilitation -Facilitates examining student work, collegial walkthroughs, and action research -Assists in Developing Common Assessments

Joyce and Showers Research

Guiding Questions for SIP Part A 1. What is the data that was used to identify the need for this professional learning? 2. How was the data analyzed? 3. What is the goal of this professional learning? How does it align with building/district goals? 9. How do you know this work is impacting student learning and students are applying their learning?

Guiding Questions for SIP Part B/C 4. Who will provide the content input? How will the plan for implementation and collection for results? Data be shared with participants? 5. What is the plan for the design of the professional learning? How will theory, demonstration, practice, collaboration, implementation, and coaching be included in the design and delivery?

Your Work Time Choices Processing Time for Parts A, B, C (go to website for Protocol for processing) ?Turn in parts A, B, C by ____ Assigned Readings (go to website for reflective questions and discussion protocol) – Chpt 5 and 6 Align the Design – Motion Leadership “chapter of your choice”

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