1.in addition to; in addition 2.have ~ to do with 3.in return 4.~ than usual 5.at times 6.be strict with sb.; be strict about sth. 7.so far 8.and so on,


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Presentation transcript:

1.in addition to; in addition 2.have ~ to do with 3.in return 4.~ than usual 5.at times 6.be strict with sb.; be strict about sth. 7.so far 8.and so on, (and so forth) 9.aside from 10.be known for vs. be known as

11. joke around 12. in public 13. belong to 14. bring sb. up 15. inclusive of 16. be covered with 17. in person 18. up to now 19. a piece of cake 20. turn out (to be)

1. in addition; in addition to He won three Academy Awards within five years; in addition, he was chosen as the greatest musician of the year In addition to his remarkable achievements in music, he has a talent for computer programming. (On your own) 除了英語,她能流利地說德語和法語。 ____________________________________

2. have (~) to do with His being fired has nothing to do with his ability. Does the case have anything to do with money? (On your own) 這不干你的事,它跟你一點關係也沒有。 __________________________________ __________________________________

3. in return If you tell me what happened just now, I will in return give you a ticket to F4’s concert next weekend. (On your own) 她一直很照顧我,你想我該給她甚 麼東西來回報她?

4. ~ than usual I came to school later than usual because I overslept this morning. (On your own) 當打折扣時,百貨公司裡的所有東 西都比平時便宜。 ______________ ______________________________ ______________________________

5. at times We usually eat dinner at home, but at times we feel like eating out. (On your own) 做為學生,你必須用功讀書,不過, 有時也需要放鬆一下。 ___________ _______________________________ _______________________________

6. be strict with sb. vs. be strict about My parents are very strict with me. I am not allowed to go out with boys. Many countries are strict about traffic violations. (On your own) 王太太對自己的女兒很嚴格,但對她的 學生則不然。 _______________________ ___________________________________

7. so far So far, my opinions of your boyfriends are very good. How is your research going? So far so good. (On your own) 到目前為止我還沒想出任何好主意。 _______________________________

8. and so on On my trip last year, I visited many cities such as Chicago, Denver, Madison, and so on. (On your own) 說到歌星,我已遇到過 eVonne, A-mei, Elva 等等的人了。 ____________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

9. aside from Aside from his hometown, he visited other big cities in Taiwan. Aside from his nose, he’s quite good- looking. (On your own) 除了她的勤奮 (diligence), 她還以其幽 默感聞名。 _____________________ _______________________________

10. be known for vs. be known as Mr. Wu is known for his generosity among his friends. Hong Kong is known as the shoppers’ paradise. (On your own) 基隆是以海港著稱它也以多雨聞名。 _________________________________ _________________________________

11. joke around 雖然他看起來很嚴肅,他可是很喜 歡和朋友開玩笑的。 _______________________________ _______________________________

12. in public I don’t like to talk about personal matters in public. (On your own) 我覺得被公開讚美是很難為情的。 I find__________________________ _______________________________

13. belong to 左邊的屬於我的而 (while) 右邊的才 是你的。 _______________________________ _______________________________

14. bring sb. up =raise sb. I was born and brought up in the suburbs of Taipei. (On your own) 瑪莉在台灣長大,二十五歲的時候 移民到巴西去。 Mary, ____________ _____, immigrated to Brazil at the age of 25.

15. inclusive of Many passengers were injured in that road accident, inclusive of Paul. including Paul. Paul included. (On your own) 很多人參加了他的喪禮,包括他學 校的校長。 ____________________ ______________________________

16. be covered with In winter, the roads are covered with snow. (On your own) 覆蓋著雪的整座山看起來很漂亮。 ____________________, the whole mountain looks beautiful.

17. in person Would you excuse us? I’d like to talk to Jane in person. (On your own) 你必須親自來拿票。 _______________________________

18. up to now 到現在我還不知道怎麼操作這部機 器。 ______________________________ ______________________________

19. a piece of cake 對我而言騎腳踏車是易如反掌的事。 _______________________________ _______________________________

20. turn out (to be) The meeting turned out to be very successful. (On your own) 你跟凱莉的約會結果怎樣了? 別提了。 _______________________ _______________________________

1.In addition to English, she can speak fluent German and French. 2.It’s none of your business. It has nothing to do with you. 3.She’s been taking good care of me. What do you think I should give her in return? 4.When on sale, everything in the department store is cheaper than usual. 5.As/Being a student, you have to study hard, but at times you need to relax a bit. 6.Mrs. Wang is very strict with her own daughter, but not with her students. 7.So far, I haven’t come up with any good idea. 8.When it comes to singers, I’ve met eVonne, A-mei, Elva, and so on. 9.Aside from her diligence, she is also famous for her sense of humor. 10.Keelung is known as a seaport and it’s also known for its plentiful rain.

11.Although he looks very serious, he likes to joke around with his friends. 12.I find it embarrassing to be praised in public. 13.What’s on the left side belongs to me and what’s on the right side is yours. 14.brought up in Taiwan 15.Many people attended his funeral, inclusive of his school principal. 16.Covered with snow 17.You have to get the tickets in person. 18.Up to now, I still don’t know how to operate the machine. 19.To me, riding a bicycle is a piece of cake. 20.How did your date with Kelly turn out? Forget it.