morphogenesis. MODELS OF GREEN BUILDING Mixed Use Development, Rajarhat, Kolkata
Renewable Energy Offsetting Energy Consumption through Solar PVs Rainwater Harvesting Utilizing Renewable Sources Of Water Enhancing Microclimate Productive Landscape Organic Waste Management Energy Performance Index EPI <43 kWh/sq.m./yr Project Goals Energy Efficient Design through Passive Design Features | Target 43 kWh/ sq.m./ year IGBC Platinum Rating Pledge
Methodology S ustainability A ffordability I dentity L ivability ?
Our evolution and refinement in passive design techniques over the years shows through the reducing EPI figures we have been able to achieve with successive projects. We have successfully created exemplars that consume 70% lesser energy than established green rating benchmarks, without incurring additional cost. Optimization of all resources is a pre- requisite to our architecture today. With a local, socio- cultural response to design, our results are more often than not, passive solutions, which further help to reduce energy and water dependence by increasing the number of comfortable habitable hours with minimum reliance on mechanical means. Overall 70% improvement over GRIHA 43 KWh/sq.m/yr has be targeted for ITC Office spaces. S ustainability Energy Consumption
HVAC Equipment (Plug-Loads) Primary Energy Lighting S ustainability Day-Lighting Annual Energy Consumption through Artificial Lighting (kWh/sq.m./yr)
S ustainability Water Conservation Targets Water consumption for residential use (litres per capita per day) Domestic & Flushing UseDrip Irrigation Water consumption for irrigation of lawns and gardens (litres per sq.m.) Rainwater Harvesting
A ffordability Project Cost Targets Structure Façade Electrical SystemsPlumbing SystemsInteriors RESIDENTIAL Post Occupancy Analysis shall be carried out to verify variations in practice along project timeline
I dentity Integration of Bengali Art, Sculpture and Literature as a way of life….. Local Terracotta Work Paintings by artist Jamini Roy Traditional ‘Chhau’ Dance Traditional Bengali Folk Art : ‘Patochitra’ ‘Tana’ (Hand-pulled Rickshaws) Local Stone Sculptures ‘Durga-Puja’ preparations Rabindranath Tagore Sukumar Ray Tagore’s poetry Illustration by Sukumar RayBengali ‘juktakshar ‘ SculptureArtLiterature
Traffic Pedestrian Movement Vehicular Circulation Vertical Transport Emergency Vehicles L ivability Campus Level Building Level Floor Level Security 3-Tier Security Integrating Building Design Ease of Movement 3M4M 6-9M Space For Fire Tender Movement Schematic Section through the pedestrian spine for a mixed- use development in Kolkata Height of spine shall increase to 6M in areas under fire-tender path Protected Walkway “We don’t know how the building works, but one thing we can tell you is we don’t feel tired when we go home.” – employee working at the India Gycol Ltd. Office, Noida (an extract from Business August 2010, Courtesy: Business Standard, all rights reserved) Occupant Comfort Microclimate Control Post-occupancy evaluation Addressing Sick Building Syndrome Disaster Management Natural Disasters Man-Made Disasters Daylight distribution and indoor air-quality in offices leads to Higher Productivity Employees have 25% better memory function when they have views from their buildings Offices with access to daylight and operable windows experience an Increase of up to 18% in productivity There are gains of up to 11% in productivity In offices with fresher air